1.1 | Use of the Horse & Hound Online Forum, including the private messaging service, indicates your acceptance of these Forum Terms and Conditions of Use as well as the Horse & Hound Online terms and conditions (which can be found here). |
1.2 | The HHO forum is an English language forum. Please conduct all interactions in English (by use of an online translation tool if required). Content submitted that is not in English will be removed as the majority of our users will not readily understand it, nor would our moderator and community admin team. |
2.1 | Companies/individuals must not use the Forum to advertise or promote products or services, subject to the exclusions below. |
2.2 | Individuals may include a link to a classified advert (such as a horse or horsebox for sale) in their Forum signature. This ONLY applies to classified adverts placed on Horseandhound.co.uk. Links to adverts on other websites are not allowed and will be considered a breach of forum rules. |
2.3 | Companies can pay to have a 'promoted' post pinned on a single board on the forum for a set period of time. For more details about this service please contact the H&H sales team, rather than the forum admin team. We reserve the right to refuse any adverts that we do not consider appropriate. |
3.1 | Users may register one account only per individual. A single user account can be used to access the forum from multiple devices. |
3.2 | Anyone who registers more than one account may have their access to the forum permanently disabled. |
3.3 | Horse & Hound Online reserves the right to remove access to the Forum for any Users who mimic another User's identity and/or register identities of a similar or identical nature to persons in the public eye. |
3.4 | Horse & Hound Online encourages Users to leave their real email address so others can contact you directly if they so wish. We do not collect email addresses from our Forum for use in mailing lists. |
4.1 | Like the rest of society, Users of the Forum should adhere to basic standards and nothing false or misleading should be posted. | |
4.2 |
4.3 | Do not post rude or abusive messages - including personal attacks on other Users, or denigration of the Moderators, Admin or other Future Plc. employees, contractors and agents. | |
4.4 | Do not post defamatory, or other insulting, pejorative, or inappropriate content, or use language incompatible with a broad demographic. | |
4.5 | Anything that is placed onto the Forum must not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party or breach any applicable laws. | |
4.6 | Users must not use this Forum for transmitting any "spam" or "junk mail" (including multiple similar/identical posts, messages or PMs), or any other form of solicitation of the forum membership (commercial, academic or otherwise). | |
4.7 | Users must not post onto the Forum anything that contains any software viruses or any other code, file, program designed to harm the function of any computer or telecommunications equipment, whether directly or linked. | |
4.8 | Users must not collect or store (or attempt to collect or store) any personal data that it may receive about other Users of the Forum through normal forum exchanges, via user profiles or by any other means. | |
4.9 | If under the age of 18 a User will need to obtain a parent or guardian's permission before posting anything onto the Forum. You should never reveal personal information about yourself, such as your email address, home address, telephone number, school, etc. | |
4.10 | User should familiarise themselves with individual board 'stickies' and additional posting guidelines (updated from time to time). | |
4.11 | Users should not submit any content for publication on the HHO forum that they are not content to remain on the public archive (and elsewhere) in perpetuity. |
5.1 | Future Plc. reserves the right to re-use any submission to the Forum of Horse & Hound Online in any format or media and in such ways as Horse & Hound sees fit. Users waive their moral rights to object to any derogatory treatment, or to be identified as the author, of the submission in question. |
6.1 | If a User fails to adhere to these Terms & Conditions, Horse & Hound Online reserves the right to terminate the User's participation on the Forum. |
6.2 | HHO also reserves the right to terminate the User's participation on the Forum if their behaviour is deemed damaging or potentially damaging to the forum community or the Horse & Hound brand, or is deemed counter to the accepted notion of Netiquette, civil discourse, etc. |
6.3 | Users who posts defamatory, obscene, racial or otherwise offensive or inappropriate material on this Forum acknowledge that this may expose them to the risk of legal action (whether civil or criminal) being taken against them and/or their access to the forum terminated. |
6.4 | Any User who has had their access to the forum temporarily suspended or terminated and subsequently attempts to regain access may have further action taken against them, and/or reported to their ISP, and/or reported to the appropriate agency in relation to a possible breach of the Computer Misuse Act (1990). |
7.1 | Please note that the HHO Forum is not actively moderated and we therefore rely upon notifications from other Users, via the 'Report Post' function, regarding abuse of the Forum, etc. We reserve the right to remove or edit any contribution on the Forum that contravenes these Terms & Conditions of Use, other posting guidelines (implicit or implied), or falls short of HHO's expectations on Netiquette without notice. |
7.2 | Users of the Forum do so entirely at their own risk. As such, to the extent permitted by law, Users release Future Plc., its directors, contractors and employees from all liability arising out of or in connection with the Forum and the material submitted to it by third parties |
7.3 | Problems or complaints should be highlighted either by using the 'Report Post' function, the 'Contact Us' form at the foot of each forum page, by PM to the Forum Admin Team, or directed to HHO Admin at hheditor@futurenet.com or via private message. This is particularly if you notice that a User is contravening these Terms & Conditions. |
7.4 | Users who wish to make suggestions about Horse & Hound magazine or HorseandHound.co.uk can do so via the Suggestions Forum. |
7.5 | The views of users of the forum are not those of Future Plc. or Horse & Hound Online. |
7.6 | HHO/Future Plc.reserve the right to amend these terms or additional Posting Guidelines without notice, and/or waive them from time to time. |
Clause 8 - Grievance Procedure | |
8.1 | Any queries or grievances concerning the management of the forum and/or the actions of the Community Moderators should be raised with the Forum Admin Team via PM, Contact Us form, not on open forum - suspended users may need to log out to access the form |
8.2 | Any queries or grievances concerning the actions of the Forum Admin Team should be raised via email to the HHO website editor. |
8.3 | Users who raise such issues or post criticisms of the management of the HHO forum on open forum may have their accounts sanctioned. Initiate any concerns via the means highlighted in 8.1. |