Recent content by AprilBlossom

  1. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    He went all bad again today, and we’ve been off to the out of hours to send him on his way this evening. He was ready, and gone in my arms before the injection had even finished going in. Good night my Prince ?
  2. AprilBlossom

    Pictures I couldn’t love my horse more

    my gorgeous boy carried me safely into and over a variety of fences this weekend out hunting, catching me safely on the other side and even managing to make me look a little bit like I had some sort of idea of what I was doing!! having followed mainly in the quad squad last year, I have bimbled...
  3. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    hes doing ok for now - bouncing around the house and happy in himself but you can tell his little body is working harder than it should at times. But happy in himself and most definitely joyous to be hanging around for now! I’m well aware we’re just buying time but until he gives the nod that...
  4. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    Well here’s the little toad having given us all a horrible scare back to his chirpy self - for now it seems he has bounced back (and I think what the hell, I almost put you down the other night you were so bad) but will see how he goes. F*ing princess. I love him so much, my useless little...
  5. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    Made my husband drive back first thing this morning from London to be there with us when the vet comes. Bloody dog has perked up no end apparently, so much so we took him to the vet appointment (not for X-rays etc) and she’s suggested trying the heart medication for a week or so as she thought...
  6. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    My gut says call it, let him go at home quietly and before he gets too bad he is miserable the whole time. The way he keeps looking at me is like he’s telling me he is done. Our other dog seems like she knows too; it’s strange, they both seem at peace with it. I know that sounds silly but...
  7. AprilBlossom

    WWYD - dog going into heart failure

    Got a little chihuahua - 12yrs old, always been a stress head, lives for going mental at the postman/a pigeon outside/a friend he’s forgotten he knows... and has always had a heart murmur. hes been slowing down a lot over the past few weeks and started coughing, but bright and active enough...
  8. AprilBlossom

    I’m back baby... with a new pony!

    Blackie (original...) has been so kindly given to me on a permanent loan from my local hunt, as he’s stepping down from his duties, to enjoy a slightly quieter life with me. He’s 11 (but has been a hunt horse for 7 seasons), ISH and honestly the goodest good boy in the world - I swear he...
  9. AprilBlossom

    I’m back baby... with a new pony!

    Pics say it all. I got my dream. Hello, I’m back, love from the luckiest girl in the world x
  10. AprilBlossom

    So I fell off and now I need a new hat - help!

    How did I not think of this!? Great idea!
  11. AprilBlossom

    So I fell off and now I need a new hat - help!

    Thank you, exactly what I’m looking to know - they’re just so hard to find in tack shops these days to try!
  12. AprilBlossom

    So I fell off and now I need a new hat - help!

    I had already planned to do that too! Lol! I’m loathed to drive out to a shop though and find all of their velvet hats are ginormous bubble headed creations. My gatehouse was so lovely and ‘low profile’. I simply can’t afford a Patey, which would be the dream, hence my asking. The Charles...
  13. AprilBlossom

    So I fell off and now I need a new hat - help!

    I managed to take a little tumble on to the road last week, and in the process my head connected with the concrete. Didn’t hurt even a little bit but I physically felt my hat ‘go’ (it did it’s job perfectly!) and as safety-lax as I am, even I have to admit it’s time I bought a new one as the...
  14. AprilBlossom

    Olympics Eventing - Dressage Day One

    Can't seem to find it, how annoying. I really want to see Christopher Burton's test - Santano used to live at a yard I worked at before he went off to be a fabulous eventer. He's such a nice 'person' in the stable, often used to go give him an apple core on my lunch break! The closest I have to...
  15. AprilBlossom

    Olympics Eventing - Dressage Day One

    How are you catching up? I missed most of the day and really want to see a few tests in particular...