Recent content by blowsbubbles

  1. B

    Getting young horse in front of the herd leader?

    Thanks for replies everyone; good to see people dis-agreeing as been having conflicts myself about the best way forward! bepositive have you tips on how to get her to listen more then please? We always try to start the ride with the youngster in front; BUT if something 'scary' is in front...
  2. B

    Horse gets seriously worked up hacking home

    When I got my mare she was the same; we used to joke about her two speeds, the slow out, the fast back. We did figure of 8 loops around the yard; e.g half the ride one way, she thought she was coming home then off we would go and do another ride the opposite way; sometimes we would 'come back'...
  3. B

    Riding in Iceland

    I m going in January and hoping to ride; who did you go with, how much and did you get a pick up from hotel? I m wondering whether its going to be a night ride after seeing when the sun is up and down! Were the rides you were on suitable for a competent novice? Wondering about my OH joining it!
  4. B

    Winter riding weekday nights

    I ride twice during the week; once on each, then both both weekend days. They are on 24/7 turnout and neither of them need to be kept 'competition' fit and neither seem to suffer with less riding, so that works for us all. If it's bad weather then we don't go out! Basically you have to do what...
  5. B

    Getting young horse in front of the herd leader?

    Hi all; I m bringing on a friends young green horse; but we are having problems getting her to go out in front of the boss mare when out on hacks. Basically she plants and will not move. It's a well-established herd of which she is bottom of the pack. Unfortunately the boss mare hates it...
  6. B

    Horse training/schooling with no!

    It's good to 'school' in an uhneven field/ out hacking as chances are your initial shows aren't going to have a perfect area! You can achieve a lot while out hacking, plus your dealing with even more distractions so even better once you get in show ring! ,
  7. B

    Are basic horsemanship principles not taught anymore ?

    While I believe everyone has their own responsibility for their horse ultimately here the instructor should have ensured a suitable cool down was carried out before letting the lesson finish. Not only does it promote correct procedures, but anyone unsure would have it reiterated, and no one...
  8. B

    will she ever be fit enough?

    Excuse a bit of a self-pitying moan. 6 months ago I took on an additional share horse as mine is getting on and its not fair to ask her to do jumping, long rides etc which I ve really missed. I found a sweet mare who had been turned away for >6 months, overweight and unfit. Was offered a 2-3...
  9. B

    "Does this Mean He's Not a Jumper?"

    I love this! I want to see a series now; with him going round a full set of jumps in the same style!!!
  10. B

    Can horses sense each other?

    He will be able to sense they are there, but he won't be able to visually communicate with them, which is something horses do a lot in their day to day life, checking all is OK etc. As someone said perhaps you can put a block in so Shetland's can step up to look out of door and communicate?
  11. B

    How's she looking... A month on?

    Wow she's looking so much slimmer! How much exercise is she doing now compared to before? I'm trying to get my good doer a bit slimmer to but it isn't shifting!!
  12. B

    Talking to my horse

    I talk but have no dressage aims so I will carry on! my mare responds really well to it so I enjoy having as an additional aid. We were walking through the woods today and I almost got hit by a low branch, I said whoaa more in surprise then a command but she stopped dead! We also have...
  13. B

    Meet Pip. The worlds most high maintenance Mare!

    Your first post brought a tear to my eyes, your updates have wrenched my gut. What a star she is, and routing for her to make a full recovery and so glad she is in such good hands.
  14. B

    Selling a horse because he is too good?

    Haha yes this. I have two both each ends of the scale. If I had to give up one it prob would be the 'good' one, I like being tested, I like the spark. It keeps me active and engaged as a rider. Saying that I got the good one as wanted some easy riding! I'm so contradictory!
  15. B

    Arab x Hannoverian
