Recent content by Bobbybarnes

  1. B

    Pelvis injury

    My 17 hands of moron (aka bobby) managed to do something bad to his pelvis (vet now recons fractured) he is having xrays soon to see how its healing, the initial injury happened back in November, vet at first thought it was just badly bruised and he had a hematoma which has now dissapeered, he...
  2. B

    Gummy Lump on horses bridge of nose?

    Before i start, He has the vet coming next week ok, so no "get the vet out!" comments please as the vet is booked. When i got my horse he had this lump on his nose and over past 2 years its slowly been growing, its now about 2cm across his bridge and 2.5cm going up his face and just under...
  3. B

    Grackle Noseband - Buckle ends???

    Does anyone know where i can get a grackle noseband that is double buckle ends? all the ones i can find are either several hundred each, or are the headpiece style. starting to think it would be easier to buy a whole new bridle, which i dont want to do because costs way more money. anyone???
  4. B

    Horse refusing to listen.

    Have no circular routes unless I go through the farmers fields which he doesn't let me do. Only circular route has had its gates padlocked shut
  5. B

    Horse refusing to listen.

    I can persuade my dad to come out on his bike with me, and she lived 3 hours away but she wants to come see him again soon so I csn easily get her up to mine.
  6. B

    Horse refusing to listen.

    Yeah he can have hay instead, little shetland has that. Other than my phone, nothing. He is very sensitive to crops. Pick one up on ground around him and he dances around running in circles. Lunge with one and he goes to straight to canter. He isn't a fan. And he keeps his head up high...
  7. B

    Horse refusing to listen.

    HE'S on alpha A oil (a scoop) and a scoop of spiller conditioning mix. He has hayledge at moment (it's not great quality it's nearly hay) cause there's no grass in field. NO sadly, he's the only ridden horse.
  8. B

    Horse refusing to listen.

    Ok so I need some help. I bought Bobby a year and half ago, he was good when I went to see him, been out work 2 years been ridden twice in the arena since friend started bringing him back I to work for his owner, friend found out owner was selling him, friend got me to come see this horse, I...
  9. B

    Who else fell off today

    Didn't come off but I very nearly did 😂. Decided I'll hack my ex hunter project horse in an open field. And just keep to the tracks.... second he saw the open field he bolted, jumped up a 3ft bank, then tried to jump a 4ft high stone wall with barbed wire at the top! Managed to pull him...