Recent content by buzyizzy

  1. B

    Nagging YO!

    If people were honest and upfront about their yard and their rules before I moved there, it would make life a lot easier. Inevitably, if fields are closed, help is sometimes available and sometimes not, grazing is not as promised, then I am going to run into problems. I go and see a place, yard...
  2. B

    Hay Shortage - HayReplacer/ Fibre

    I fed Fast Fibre to my Connemara all summer alongside hay and he loves it and it's good for waistlines and lammies.
  3. B

    Nagging YO!

    It's not a nightmare, I am just very frustrated that no matter how I communicate with her, she is still capable of getting it wrong. She has two miniatures of her own to look after and a mare that she rides, other than that, she only has to check which end of the day I've asked her to bring in...
  4. B

    Nagging YO!

    It depends on which device I am using. I had a wee break at work, so I used my phone. I'm aware it's the other ID.
  5. B

    Cheer me up - livery woes. Different planet ???

    I don't know where you are, but I really feel for you. Livery yards can be an awful place to be, or the best place. It's such a massive expense and the horses are so important and such a massive part of our lives, that when all is not well at yards, it can really make you sad. Be good to know...
  6. B

    Cost for ferry to Ireland

    Would agree with this totally. I don't know where the horse is, but I'd thoroughly recommend George Mullins. I used him to bring my two back from Mayo to Eastbourne and they arrived totally chilled.
  7. B

    Nagging YO!

    Am I not allowed to describe anyone???????? LOL
  8. B

    Nagging YO!

    With all of us. This afternoon she was well arsey, then by tea time she was fine. The description of her was just that, a description :) I just get tired of us being on the receiving end of her moods when anything, however small, goes wrong with her life. We all get it in the neck and then...
  9. B

    Nagging YO!

    That's ok. lol Just needed to get it all of my chest. Just so glad it's all of us.
  10. B

    Levothyroxine for weight loss (horses)

    I have been taking it for six years and found that too low a dose causes palpitations, weight gain, depression, but not a huge appetite. I think each person is very individual and we shouldn't generalise. Also it depends when you take your meds.
  11. B

    Levothyroxine for weight loss (horses)

    It works very well for weight loss in people. I have been taking it for six years and I promise that if the dosage is right and you take it at the correct time of day etc, it does help with weight loss. Formula4feet contains a mineral or similar that assists the thyroid and mine have been on it...
  12. B

    Nagging YO!

    I didn't really know what to put for the title, maybe it should read pedantic! I moved here in May as many of you may remember, moving from one of the many yards from hell :) I was provided with a good field, suitable grazing for the laminitic, plus I am allowed to divide the field up as I...
  13. B

    Best quality light weight turnout

    I have a Shires tempest combo, they do separate standard neck and covers. It kept him dry all last winter when I used it as a top rug, has been washed and reproofed and ready to go again. Four years old and cheap as chips. I never buy expensive rugs, not worth it IMO.
  14. B

    Moving my horse

    Not everyone can afford everything at the drop of a hat. Mine had to wait for teeth and back check ups, but no worse off for the wait. Don't feel guilty OP, there any many, many horses a lot worse off and you sound like a really conscientious owner. I'd be hunting around for a yard with regular...
  15. B

    Acorns are out early

    Found my first ones in the field yesterday when poo picking too! Very early, but fortunately we now have too much grass, so I am going to be reducing my field this afternoon. Pony getting fat again :o