Recent content by Chantelle R

  1. C

    A What would you do? (sorry long)

    Blue Cross - & I did see some horses up for loan that were home direct rather than from the centres. World Horse Welfare - Couldn't actually find their blurb...
  2. C

    A What would you do? (sorry long)

    Ironically, I'm currently looking for a non-ridden companion and posted on here the other day, asked about horse rescue centre recommendations. After some fab suggestions, I've been doing some research into them. Seems that quite a few of theses charities will offer 'home to home' or...
  3. C

    A What would you do? (sorry long)

    That is dreadful :( What give's them the right to judge?? :( I'd have punched their lights out :D
  4. C

    A What would you do? (sorry long)

    I feel you pain. Bought a lovely driving pony (I'm novice at driving) with a view to driving under instruction. Worked well for about 6 months then, my instructor got a full-time job so - no instructor. Try as I might, I simply could find another qualified instructor willing to travel to my...
  5. C

    Need a companion - can anyone recommend a horse rescue centre?

    Thank you very much, all :) A lot of food for thought there :)
  6. C

    Advert giggles

    I'll take it no matter what the price! My mare bit me on the boob this evening .... sporting a lovely big bruise now :D
  7. C

    Need a companion - can anyone recommend a horse rescue centre?

    I'm looking for a non-ridden companion for my horse. I'm thinking of rehoming a rescue as that might be the best way to go forward. Anyone had a horse from a rescue centre? What was your experience of that centre? Thanks
  8. C

    Anyone else failed BHS Stage 2 Riding?

    Admittedly I took my BHS exams years ago. But, there was an issue with lunging on my stage 2. I did pull the examiner to one side before doing that part, due to 'issue'. At the end of the exam day the examiner took me to one side and asked me some questions about lunging to see if I...
  9. C

    Anyone else failed BHS Stage 2 Riding?

    There was this examiner at the RDA who ......... for want of a better way to put it ........ was a bit of a numpty. She didn't take the candidate's disabilities into consideration. As a result, the most proficient rider in the exam failed. In truth, there is no way he should have failed as he...
  10. C

    I have decided... question for pony riders

    I always ride with an RS-Tor attached to the front of the saddle. A brilliant invention.
  11. C

    Selling horse to loaner

    I found a lovely loan home for my old ex-hunter, years ago. But, despite his monetary value, I could never quite get to grips with 'parting' with him. I'm just an old softie like that :D He lived with his loaner for the next 20-odd years and died, peacefully, at a home that he was very...
  12. C

    Are whips or spurs relied on too much when schooling horses?

    I admire a person who is willing to be analytical of themselves. I admire a person who is willing to try to change should they feel the current way is causing problems, regardless of whether that problem is actual or in their mind. It takes guts to turn our backs on what we were taught...
  13. C

    Cushings - medicate or not?

    Mine was tested positive 2 months ago. Nothing much to go on at all other than, I had a hunch. Her level was 90. She went on 1/2 tab a day. In about week 3, she started getting a bit disorientated. Nothing major but still, I wasn't happy. I had her bloods redone. She came back 38...