Recent content by chotty

  1. C

    Anyone looking/know of anyone looking for a share, Edinburgh?

    Then let me know please :)
  2. C

    New JRT! How do we start her training??

    Hi! We recently picked up our new JRT puppy and she's absolutely gorgeous! She's very affectionate and seems to be a quick learner, but I want to make sure we're starting her off in the best possible way. She already seems to be getting the hang of puppy pads, and mostly pees on them, with...
  3. C

    How do you tell a sharer you don't want them sharing anymore?

    Thank you for all the replies! You have all confirmed to me that I do really need to speak to her and terminate the share. I say she's a nice girl as she's always very apologetic and polite - and me being the type of person who if someone is nice to me I'm nice back, I will find it hard to tell...
  4. C

    Saddle for a super fat, flat backed, table top coblet?

    I have a new wintec wide for mine! She's very flat backed and a barrel shape, that has somehow managed to pile on the pounds in the past few weeks! It's fully adjustable so can change gullet size/add or remove cair. Can also move the girth straps around to balance it. Love mine, and have no...
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    How do you tell a sharer you don't want them sharing anymore?

    I'll try to keep this short... I have had a sharer for my girl since June, as changed to a new job which is 4 x 10 hour days. I live in the city centre, and it can take up to an hour to get to/from yard, so thought a sharer would be a good idea to keep her exercised 2/3 days a week. Put...
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    Grazing/Livery near Westend of Edinburgh

    Yes please! X
  7. C

    Grazing/Livery near Westend of Edinburgh

    Dibbin - is Duddingston farm livery still open do you know? Tried looking it up online/Facebook and can't see any contact details x
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    Considering offering full livery at our home in Midlothian

    Edinburgh75 - where about in Midlothian are you? If you do end up taking on some liveries then let me know please :) would be very interested in full grass livery as there's none around here! Also know someone who may be interested in full livery with stables as she finds it hard to find yards...
  9. C

    Old school instructor? Edinburgh

    Hi, I'm looking for an old school type instructor in the Edinburgh area? The type that would be strict and push you out of your comfort zone? I currently use Lisa Hiddleson who is great, but she's not available for the next week or so, so was going to try someone else in the meantime...
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    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    Hi everyone, thank you all again for the replies, and sharing your own stories and advice!! I have taken what a lot of you have said on board about how confidence will come and go, and that I shouldn't be too hard on myself. I have come a long way from the start and don't intend on giving up...
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    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    Nancykitt - that is something I hadn't actually thought of before, that confidence comes and goes! Thank you, you have just given me some hope that I'll be back to the place I was at before this week happened! I too was expecting my confidence to just grow and grow, and never really thought of...
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    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    GG2B - that's amazing!! Such an inspirational story! I'm going to go and read your old threads now :) you're right though - I need to change my whole mindset and change my emotions from fear to annoyance and work from there. Last night when B didn't want to walk without my boyfriend, I refused...
  13. C

    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    Orson Cart - that course looks fantastic! I'm in Scotland so quite far away, but may be worth a trip down with some birthday money! X
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    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    Alainax - I have considered that myself! Have had a few issues with sharer - but those are for a whole other thread in itself! She's a lovely girl, and really loves B, but she is very novice. Her whole riding experience up until now has been hacking out on youngsters she has been tossed onto...
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    For those that are nervous - how do you ride alone??

    Burnttoast - my post wasn't at you, it was a reply to NZJ, as that post wasn't helpful in the slightest - only kicked me when I was down. Your suggestion for NPL is a good one, someone suggested it to me a while ago, but I'm not too sure how it works? Do you have to get a therapist who...