Recent content by debsg

  1. debsg

    Hi again

    Thank you both, I'll sort out some pics ASAP x
  2. debsg

    Saying what people don't want to hear or biting your tongue?

    This, absolutely. opinions are like farts, haha, love it!
  3. debsg

    Kent & Masters Pony GP for Cob

    Have to say, I had a K&M saddle for my mare and it proved to be incredibly uncomfortable in the- ahem - crotch area! So much so that my husband couldn't come near me for weeks after a long hack 😁 I ended up trading it in. The pommel was quite high, think that was the problem.
  4. debsg

    Hi again

    Hello to all, I used to be active on here but haven't been on for ages. I have two horses. BLAZE is a 15hh Irish cob mare, 17 years, I've had her for 11. She is the Mary Poppins of the equine world - practically perfect in every way 😁 JASMINE is a 15.3hh TBx (camel!) 10 years, the...
  5. debsg

    Presents only horsey people ask for!

    Polos - what are stable drapes? Im envisioning luxury curtains 😀 I have asked for a petrol strimmer 😊
  6. debsg

    Old Vs New Horsemanship...lmao

    Yeah, im def. Old School 😀 all just a bit of fun, elsbells, I dont think anyone's having a pop at anyone else.
  7. debsg

    Horse job

    If you need the current job's salary in order to meet your bill payments, then you need to hang on to your current job until you find something with comparable wages, otherwise you will struggle and may get into debt. Tbh, the new job doesn't sound great - they dont even pay nmw, expect you to...
  8. debsg

    Feeling stressed

    At this time of year generally, and particularly this year, as it is so warm, there is an Autumn flush. I know my grass is growing like mad and I have had to restrict my two's intake. I think bringing your pony in during the day would be a good idea. Give your hay a good soaking. Best safe than...
  9. debsg

    Recommendations for headtorch please?

    Another one for Petzl.
  10. debsg

    My next equine project horse

    Many thanks for the info on Mr BP xx Hi ho, hi ho its off to Wickes I go 😁
  11. debsg

    My next equine project horse

    Have no idea how those numbers got into my post 😯 How odd!
  12. debsg

    My next equine project horse

    AA, am I right in thinking that the blue pipe in question would make a kind of echoing 'bong' sort of sound? I think I remember seeing something like it in the past. As the owner of a homebred mare who has always tested the boundaries, particularly with farriers ( although it has to be said...
  13. debsg

    Long Term Tramadol Useage

    If you give codeine, are you giving just codeine phosphate or cocodamol? Am I right in thinking you cannot give a dog paracetamol? I have googled about dogs and human painkillers with extreme responses in either direction, both from vets and dog owners. My 11 year old Retriever bitch has just...
  14. debsg

    Freeform Treeless v Barefoot

    Oh yes! Ive had my Freeform for 6 years, use it on my cob mare and have done every discipline in it, including 1m x country and endurance. I love it and so does my girl. Has worn well and still looks like new (when clean, lol) Only negative ive found is I have to mount from a block/step/wall...
  15. debsg

    WWYD? Old dog and poss new puppy.

    Thank you all xx You have all had such positive experiences, I think we will go for it! This last week with my terrier is just awful. :(