Recent content by flea

  1. F

    My bl@@dy dog did a runner.... how scared was i!!

    I have a rescue terrier. i kept him on the lead for the first 3-4 months, and the first time i let him off he ran away, luckily to my house. He did this on and off for about a year or so. Ive now had him three years and he is very good, so just persevere!
  2. F

    Budget and important things I will need?

    If you do get a dog (as with oneofthepack, dont do it if OH not completely sure), the first thing to do is ensure it is vaccinated, wormed and microchipped, cost varies from area to area. The cost of food will vary depending on the breed and size of your dog(as will kennel fees if you ever go...
  3. F

    Dog insurance

    petplan are very good, pay out with no quibbles over nonsense. M and s are also very good but have gone from having no excess to having one and have also raised prices apparently. most supermarket pet insurances are fine, but always read the fine print, some will only cover you for a year, and...
  4. F

    Where does you dog/s sleep?

    Mainly in their bed in the kitchen, but occasionally i allow them in my bed. Usually in the morning when its freezing cold
  5. F

    Anyone else been as daft as me???

    did it to my cousins dog when i was 17 and thought i knew everthing. Eight stitches, over £100, 12 years ago. I felt awful for months.
  6. F

    Hibiscrub for dogs

    Go back to vets and get it checked out. Hibiscrub is a short term thing, if skin probs keep returning then you may need something else
  7. F

    Skin condition - would love your advice pls x

    Has he had blood tests, intradermal skin tests etc? Some dogs are allergic to certain types of grasses, fleas, mites, and loads of other things? You dont say what tests hes had, just that vet has run out of options
  8. F

    Swansea dog ban

    says link not available
  9. F

    Coughing Dog....

    yes. We have a cocker who is very susceptible to it, but the two mongrels have never caught it when he has had it. It dosent mean your other dogs will get it but they might. Id get him checked out.
  10. F

    Coughing Dog....

    Sounds like kennel cough. Youll need to see your vet for a course of antibiotics. Very contagious if it is that, so try to keep him away from other dogs.
  11. F

    Dog insurance recommendations

    There are so many insurance companies covering pets now if i was you i would ring around a few to get the best price you can. Make sure you get a covered for life policy, as some companies will stop paying out for conditions after a year, and this is not good news if your pet develops diabetes...
  12. F

    Is your dog insured?

    M&S are very good at paying out, they have a higher premium than most insurers but at the moment they dont charge an excess, though this is possibly going to change soon. Petplan are also very good. Most insurance companies will put higher premiums on various types of dogs that are known to...
  13. F

    Messing crate at night

    Try feeding your dog around 7 or 8 pm. It takes around twelve hours for the food to digest, so hopefully will stay clean til morning. He probably needs a bit of time to adjust properly to the new environment too. Good luck
  14. F

    Update on Molly my skinny rottweiler

    Maybe if you show your insurance documents they will allow you to claim direct? Depending on who you are insured with you could also try to pre authorise your claim. whatever happens, i hope the vets gat to the bottom of this and rotti gets better soon
  15. F


    I have never seen anything as disgraceful as that in my whole life. I hope to god that that dog is traceable to someone who can take responsibility for the state it is in. Im keeping fingers crossed thet she pulls herself through, along with you and your mas help