Recent content by help111

  1. H

    Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!

    mountainview22 sorry I hate cats, much prefer Jack Russells, they chase cats. I'm obviously not who you think I am. Cambrica can you confirm that it was you at the HCWPCA show at the end of January that needed assistance from the aforementioned Cob chav-thugs to put your pony's halter on...
  2. H

    Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!

    Obviously my post went right over the heads of you bunch of bickering children. The playground antics continue... Yea Gods!
  3. H

    Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!

    I have resisted posting so far but unfortunately now feel that there needs to be some sense made of all the bitching and hearsay gossip which has gone far to far and tbh will probably result in this pointless thread being pulled by the mods. Feelings are running high due to the ignorant and...
  4. H

    AI query poorly stallion

    Help, I have a Very poorly pony stallion, who I don't think is going to be around for too much longer. He has sought after breeding and already has produced proven stock and several exports. I want to have some semen collected and frozen for my own use but also have Australian breeders...
  5. H


    zoidy what is your Pendock Legend Stallions name? do you stand him at stud?