Recent content by Jadey

  1. J

    what to do with my horse.

    My horse is in routine as thats how she has always been managed and has always well with it. Shorter periods of turnout are a great idea apart from when you work all day. Shelter wise there are several trees and a devon bank. its a lovely field haha
  2. J

    what to do with my horse.

    Bojingles I feel your pain. I love my horse but she is very good at being a royal pain the backside! I agree roll on Spring!
  3. J

    what to do with my horse.

    She is turned out in her own paddock, with other horses in adjacent paddocks. So its definitely her eating the hay. Hay is left over morning and night and she doesnt eat all of her breakfast of a half scoop of alfa. She and another horse (near her) are turned out by 6.30am. The other owners...
  4. J

    what to do with my horse.

    Having her PTS is one of the options. It is difficult for me but its not about me its about her. I just want to bounce some ideas about so that I can make a fully informed decision.
  5. J

    what to do with my horse.

    The lameness is undiagnosed because they couldn't find anything. She's had full work up. Starting with flexion tests up to full xrays. I stopped at MRI as I don't have the money. No kissing spine first thing that was checked.
  6. J

    what to do with my horse.

    Problem with grass livery is that she is the only horse I have and doesn't do well out on her own.
  7. J

    what to do with my horse.

    She had a full veterinary work up 2 years ago with the same lameness. Undiagnosed and turned away for 12 months. Bought back into light work and the lameness continued. Checked teeth, saddle and back recently so still undiagnosed. She's fed half scoop of Alfa am and pm. Ab-lib hay at night. On...
  8. J

    what to do with my horse.

    She barges through electric fences, rears, bucks and generally flies around. I dont ask anyone else to handle her at the moment as I dont trust her at all
  9. J

    what to do with my horse.

    I have had her for 8 years. She has always been slightly mad. Its become worse lately. Shes been in low levek work due to undiagnosed lameness. Shes on very little feed, a calmer and turned out between 6.30 and 5 everyday at the moment.
  10. J

    what to do with my horse.

    I have a 17 year old ex racehorse that is becoming dangerous when ridden and bought in from the field. I dont know how she would be living out 27/7 and unfortunately I dont have my own field/unlimited funds and am sceptical about leaving her with someone else. Does anyone have experience of...
  11. J

    Channel 4 8.30 tonight

    The RSPCA need to employ people who have at least a little sense of animal husbandry! Where was the welfare consideration when they darted that horse?! The owner should have been involved in the whole operation. He clearly had an amazing relationship with his horses in that herd. Michelle was...
  12. J

    Getting legs white!!

    wash the white parts with tooth whitening toothpaste. works really well!
  13. J

    Laminitis- Can someone please explain it

    Laminitis can be caused by anything that causes blood vessels constricting. This changes means that the laminea seperate, allowing the pedal bone to rotate. Severe laminitis means that the pedal bone creates pain through pressure through the sole of the foot. There are different types of...
  14. J

    2 birds one stone.. Age and where the hell do people get their money from?

    I'm 22 and part way through a masters degree. I have worked very hard all through uni, with 3 jobs and other peoples horses at one point to be able to afford my horse, my car, rent and my uni costs. My parents have only had to help out with unexpected BIG vets bills in the last 3 and half years...
  15. J

    whats the weirdest horse viewing youve been to?

    Had a few weird ones, both selling and looking to buy. Had a 14.2hh dark bay Irish cob mare, with feathers and advertised her as such. Had two people come and view her and exclaim at the presence of feathers and "Oh god, I couldn't have a cob!" Went to view a 12 yr old gelding and we were...