Recent content by Jennie951

  1. Jennie951

    'strange' breed combination?

    My first pony was a Cleveland Bay X and I’m pretty sure the mysterious cross was something of a complete **** bag. Taught me a lot but didn’t half make 13 year old me cry a lot. Arab X seem to be the ones I come across most and I can see why (for the most part). Very pretty horses with lovely...
  2. Jennie951

    New(ish) face at my gaff!

    He looks like a bigger version of my first horse. Just gorgeous.
  3. Jennie951

    Dealer or private seller?

    This happened to me a few years ago and I was extremely naive to it. I went to see a Gelderland who was exercised next to a train track (a train went past as he was being exercised) and we discovered the horse had been doped to high heavens.
  4. Jennie951

    Fat or in foal

    Not only is she is absolutely beautiful, but I now want ten of them!
  5. Jennie951

    Livery Yard - stay or go

    Exactly this!
  6. Jennie951

    Horse No 2 dilema

    Just as everyone else has said: if you can afford it, then why not?
  7. Jennie951

    Tribute to Finn, RIP

    I am so very sorry for your loss. He was a beauty and clearly had plenty of fun with you.
  8. Jennie951

    Dealer or private seller?

    I've had continuous nightmares with dealers. That being said, both private seller and dealer are capable of misleading you and only telling half a truth, so it's more to do with whether you put research into it. I'll definitely be going to a breeder next time.
  9. Jennie951

    Quick survey - help appreciated!

  10. Jennie951

    When horses and ponies had proper 'horsey' names....

    I much prefer non-human names and although mine have been far from human, I can say at least 50% of them would not be my first choice. At the moment, I have a Fudge - which reminds me of what a child would call a pet rabbit. Prior to this, I've had Salmon, Venus, Candy and Jem.
  11. Jennie951

    Fat or in foal

  12. Jennie951

    Good colours for a chestnut?

    Surprisingly, my mare suits every colour under the sun. However, I tend to prefer her in brown, blue, purple and any quirky and unusual patterns.
  13. Jennie951

    Balancing horses and life?

    After feeling very similar for a long time, one reason I have discovered my friends are able to do more is that they are from far wealthier backgrounds. Unfortunately, as much as I like to think otherwise at times, this lifestyle is a hell of a lot easier if you have rich parents!
  14. Jennie951

    Insurance question

    Open the claim now and it will save you any future difficulties. When my mare was diagnosed with KS and bone spavin, NFU were brilliant. Good luck!
  15. Jennie951

    Challenging youngster

    Just as Kezzabell said, I've also had instructors tell me my horse was napping when we later discovered it was KS. I would definitely get her checked before believing it's simply napping.