Recent content by loucob

  1. L

    Trickle Nets........are amazing! Will save you so much hay + keep your horse amused!

    Think you have hit the nail on the head :-) My friend has suggested i put the trickle net inside 2 haylege nets, but that seems to me to be bordering on the ridiculous. Got to do something tho she is sooooo fat.
  2. L

    Trickle Nets........are amazing! Will save you so much hay + keep your horse amused!

    i have just bought one and within 2 days my mare could eat 3kgs of haylege in less than 1 1/2 hours. I am so very disappointed.
  3. L

    Whats happened to hifi lite?

    My feed merchant was told by the rep that lots of people complained that it was unpalatable and so they decided to make it sweeter with vanilla essence. Apparently for the most recent batch the machine was set up wrong and put too much vanilla in!
  4. L

    Magnotherapy<> fact or fiction

    There is loads of studies which have disproved it, but my magnet thereapy boots get rid of my horses windgalls after a couple of hours, so there must be something in it.
  5. L

    Is there any other way of Giving Horse Pergolide ????Ideas please

    Please be careful about crushing it with water and syringing it - check with your vet first. My friend did this with bute sachets and it caused horrific mouth ulcers.
  6. L

    Navy or black?

    Navy Navy Navy, always Navy!
  7. L

    Showing on Monday.

    Well the guide is white legs, dark trousers, black legs, light trousers. SO you could go for cream/beige. I, however, am too messy for cream trousers and my ar*e is definately too big to be seen in public in them, so i always show in black!
  8. L

    Goodbye Forum -

    She didn' say anything of the sort, in fact the opposite - she said she hopes your horse is quick enough to get out of the way if some rancid child waves a broom in its face!
  9. L

    trailer test (essex)

    This is the same place i used. Fella who owns it is called Nick, and his mobile is 07771667768. I will say i failed mine twice!! But don't think they can be blamed for that. Think they are called RSM?
  10. L

    Sheepskin Leather Tendon Boots

    Anyone tried the rhinegold ones. They seem reasonably priced but i am (for no real reason) a bit wary of rhinegold!
  11. L

    Cabotswood Boots.

    Thats weird, as i got a pair for christmas, the wincanton, in my usual size (40) and they are absolutely massive! Like wearing a pair of wellies. Was going to send them back and get 2 sizes smaller, but now i am unsure?
  12. L

    I failed my towing test!

    Stacey i know exactly how you feel it is so dissappointing after all the work - not to mention all the money! Get out practising with L plates - that is what i am doing. Good luck for next time x
  13. L

    kossette !!

    Stopped working for me too but its back on now. I was convinced she was starting last night but no! Bet she will have it now i am going to bed!
  14. L

    How many of you passed your B+E test first time?

    I failed twice and can't afford to take it again at the moment. Have to say I dont think my instructor prepared me properly and like Isabelle says i would insist on doing LOTS of practice on manouvres. Good luck
  15. L

    What other FORUMS do you post on?

    TSR is my main forum too, and i also go on S4F. Come on here every day for a nosey. but very rarely post!