Recent content by Mac1991

  1. M

    Considering not renewing insurance.

    I haven't read many of the feeds but I am in a similar situation to most I think. I have a 15yo Ex race horse who touch wood had never had anything too expensive wrong apart from the odd cut which required some bute and antibiotics (watch me jynx myself now) I am fairly experienced and hopefully...
  2. M

    Sinus lumps/allergic reaction

    The bumps are where his sinuses are located and he has had Grass glands before which are located just behind his jaw, it isn't the time of year for grass glands as the grass has already sprung. These are on his forehead about 2 cm from the corner of his eye, so basically he looks like a evolving...
  3. M

    Sinus lumps/allergic reaction

    Has anyone had any problems with inflamed sinuses this year? I think that's what these are. Can anyone shed any light on them? They are rock hard abs aren't painful to touch. He has no nasal discharge or weeping eyes. He is eating fine no head shaking, breathing seems fine, rides just as normal...
  4. M

    Wither Sore due to rug?

    Hi There, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this situation. I have read it is common especially in high withered TB types. I am upset about the situation as I do not want my horse sore and was only trying to keep him warm in the awful cold winter we are having. I have a...
  5. M

    Post images of all your Horse‘s Veterinary Conditions

    anybody know what my next step with this could be. its about the size if your thumb nail with slight swelling below the ear to his eye but his eyes fine and hes fine in himself. He'll let you touch it and the area and he's fine to have a head collar on. Hes on bute as advised from the vet and is...
  6. M

    Cut to the Poll

    Does anyone have any further suggestion on how to deal with this. I brought my Tb in from the field 5pm last night and notice fairly dried blood down his face on the right hand side from his ear to his eye. I parted him forelock and in front of his bridle path is a sliced cut about the size of...