Recent content by paddi22

  1. paddi22

    Do we over analyse horses now

    theres a couple of old school shows here that still have the veteran horse class at age 12 and over!
  2. paddi22

    Do we over analyse horses now

    I think a lot of the issues are made worse nowadays by horses not getting a few months off on grass with no shoes.
  3. paddi22

    Balancer brands poll, please help 🙈

    agrobs balancer is very good ingredients wise and cost per feed wise. the best one I found ingredients/cost wise was
  4. paddi22

    Young horse hacking alone

    i break a lot of hot horses and I find it great to have someone on foot because I keep talking to them and it stops me overthinking or tensing up. chatting keeps my breathing regular! the longlining is great because you get a feel for what their reactions to stress will be. you kind of go 'oh...
  5. paddi22

    Young horse hacking alone

    best advice someone gave me is 'don't say your horse is alone, it has you'! i found that really helpful and changed my thinking about it. your plan sounds good. I break horses at home with no riding company so I usually handwalk a route, then long-line them on it, and then for first solo hack...
  6. paddi22

    How has he managed this? (Don't open if squeamish)

    I had a near identical one, saw it happen and it was a kick.. a nail pulled the sharper line and my best guess is the round edge of shoe scrapped the bigger bit off. if its any consolation, it healed super fast and only left a tiny scar!
  7. paddi22

    Those who own / have owned Stallions

    I'd wait and stick him through the stallion inspections so you know what you are dealing with
  8. paddi22

    Ceramic therapy products

    I notice a massive difference with the back-on-track stuff and my horses. I rate them. I used to have to handwalk my older eventer around for about 10 mins after a long journey to an event, until he loosened out and unstiffened. when I travel with the back on track rug on he comes out much...
  9. paddi22

    Thinking of taking my horses back shoes off

    i prefer arthritic ones without shoes. less concussion for hacking, and I find their hooves tend to be healthier and grow a better shape. you can also remove hinds and boot her up for hacks if you felt she needed it?
  10. paddi22

    Am I awful to consider euthanasia?

    I would 100% put to sleep. he's not happy and his quality of life will get worse. it's an awful decision but I would pts
  11. paddi22

    Livery constantly asking to help load a horse

    I'd suggest loading pro as well. if they are novice they mightn't even know these kind of people exist
  12. paddi22

    Horse reluctant to go forward and rearing

    The only way to move forward is to call a vet and get to the bottom of what is causing it before you or anyone else gets injured. It could be any of a range of things and you will drive yourself mad googling them and panicking (if you are like me😅). give the vet a call and let them see the...
  13. paddi22

    Not a good day

    that's so horrible, what an awful thing to go through. so sorry to hear.
  14. paddi22

    Best back warmer for pre-exercise

    i use the back on track back warmer, and cover it with the Kramer ceramic 'back on track copy' fleece rug, its a lovely rug and MUCh cheaper than the back on track ones. the back on track warmer has velcro that sticks to it. so it means I can pop the warmer and rug on when feeding and it doesn't...
  15. paddi22

    Off track standardbred knocking poles with front legs

    go out intot he countryside and lunge only over solid objects like logs etc. keep it very very small, reward and make it fun. I've had a few like this and they need solid obstables to get it to click in their heads to pick their legs. boots him up well in front. absolutely do not use gadgets on...