Recent content by popularfurball

  1. P

    Caring for a Cremello

    I use head and shoulders itchy scalp for shifting skin scurf with warm water - my pony is not a crem but has the equivalent of excema all over her so gets very scaly and she can't tolerate a lot of shampoos etc. She also burns easily too as she often has no hair - we use the cashel nose net...
  2. P

    Pemphigus - any experiences?

    I too have found that herbal type routes are the most successful management approach. Simple diet and skin products are key. Have a trawl through my posts and you will see my photo diary there is also a yahoo group too xx
  3. P

    Random stumbling? :s

    As above long toes often cause tripping... For us it's a lami warning
  4. P

    Horse skin problems vet is puzzled

    I have a pony with pemphigus (and multiple allergies also) and find global herbs Skratch plus really helpful. For feeds I often just feed supplements in micronised linseed as she likes the taste and is anti inflammatory. Otherwise i use halleys Timothy chop as it is just chopped hay - no oil...
  5. P

    Horse skin issue, blood tests high liver enzyme. Need advice as worried :(

    Soya oil is also a no go area for us (our no go list is mollasses, lush grass, alfalfa, garlic, soya oil... sunlight, midges, dust)... Basically I keep the diet as inanley boring and simple as I can (plain hay chop for a feed, or speedibeet if I have to get something down her, though she reacts...
  6. P

    cost of prascend ?

    I used AniMed I think it was - 86p per tablet, plus £7 prescription from vet :) - I bought 60 tablets, and stopped after ten days (probably about 7 tablets) as pony allergic to them :( so doesnt always pan out as feel bad sending them to the vet
  7. P

    Allergy to Alfafa

    Mine is! :)
  8. P

    Prascend and side effects? (Also in NL)

    My pony too had an adverse reaction - rubbing face and tail til they bled - joints swelled up etc - she has a lot of allergies and she reacted to tablets. I wonder about having pergolide prescribed as if the prascend doesnt meet needs you can have perg prescribed i think - and the come in dog...
  9. P

    Horse skin issue, blood tests high liver enzyme. Need advice as worried :(

    My pony has an auto immune condition - its not necessarily the end of the world like google porrays it to be. I too would get her off the apple chaff - I would personally only give her hay and see how she is - then you can add suplements and guage if they make better or worse. I use global...
  10. P


    I use global herbs restore with my allergic to life pony with good effects. I also use nettles and thistles regularily.
  11. P

    If the mares immunity/ antibodies are not passed effectively to the foal.....

    There is a theory that pemphigus foliaceous is due to not recieving sufficient colostrum from the mare when born... Not sure how well evidenced it is or how your could prove it
  12. P

    help please - allergic reaction? *pics*

    Aloe Vera gel works wonders for this kind of stuff. The second photo of the gray I would say is likely a bite of some kind as it is a one off. The first, my pony gets these sores from sunshine - but there are a multitude of causes
  13. P

    Facial hair loss

    Is the hair coming out in clumps or is it being rubbed off?
  14. P

    Opinions on these feet please

    Good farrier and appropriate diet too!
  15. P

    Optimum length of grass for laminitis

    It also very much depends on the type of grass and rs management. We have one field of half an acre which is 80% bare. Madam comes in footsore from it. We have thirty acres of grazing with herd on knee deep grass. It's fertilised annually. She comes in more footsore. We have a third...