Recent content by Reinback

  1. R

    Car/Travel Phobia

    My puppy was like this, but it only took about a week of feeding him in the car (without going anywhere) for him to try to get in every time he was near it! We then took him on little journeys, coming back before he had time to get sick, and gradually building it up to longer journeys (not even...
  2. R


    Hi, DON'T PANIC !!! 4 years ago I got a rescued collie, who was so nervous she used to dig herself a little hole in the garden to hide in, & wet herself if anyone went near (it took 5 months before my husband could even touch her). The good news is that she is now a perfectly normal dog...
  3. R

    What do you think about Parelli?

    I studied Parelli as part of my Equine Behaviour course and think parts of it make sense (such as using imprint learning on foals to accustom them to humans and working with the horses instincts to desensitise them to certain situations like loading etc). HOWEVER for a little while I subscribed...
  4. R

    rein back

    Do it very slowly - starting with only a couple of steps, then gradually build up. If she veres to the right try practicing with a wall / fence on her right so she can't. Good luck x
  5. R

    Foster Mare Required in Wales

    Hi, Unfortunately I don't know of a foster mare, but just wanted to let you know that this happened to a good frined of mine a couple of months ago. The found a foster mare at the other end of the country, went to pick her up & luckily she bonded with the foal straight away. It was...
  6. R

    Career Advice

    Hi, I left school at 15 and wanted to go into horses, but was pushed to work in an office, which I did for 10 years and hated it - I really wish I had gone straight into horses from school. I did my BHS exams a couple of years ago, through distance learning with equistudy (Warwickshire College)...
  7. R

    oops What would you do

    Sounds to me like an excellent excuse to buy new shoes!!!!
  8. R

    Update on Advice please I don't know what to do

    If he's only been there 4 weeks he may be worried about different people invading his space and/or trying to assert his authority on the field. Doesn't sound safe to leave him in the field when non-horsey people are going through. He probably needs some time to settle and find his own space...
  9. R


    I have always been told to wear chaps because they strengthen the ankle area when riding, as well as protecting your legs. It is also a rule to wear chaps or long boots on some yards I go to in case you get kicked or troddon on (basically as a protection thing), plus I think they look good!!!
  10. R

    Show name for my girly.

    How about Penny Lane - it worked for the Beatles!
  11. R

    Horses for Non-Horse Owners

    Hi again, THANK YOU for all your kind replies. I have tried local riding clubs, but theres not a lot on near me for people without a horse and I used to volunteer with RDA, but its more geared towards the children than the horses (which I know nothing about!) I'm going to take your advice and...
  12. R

    Insecure Pony

    Sounds like he doesn't feel confident when away from his yard/pals and if you start to tense up and expect it to happen it will make him even worse. You need to teach him that its safe to go out and that he can trust you to look after him. Because horses have such a strong herd instinct, they...
  13. R

    ok long post ...need help, advice, hugs!! :(

    Hi, wish you loads of luck with the baby - my sister in law had 5 miscarriages, but now has healthy twins (a boy and a girl) so it can be done! Do you have anyone locally you can trust with your yard? Sounds like you have put loads of work into it and know what you're doing - or how about...
  14. R

    Horses for Non-Horse Owners

    Hi, I am new to this board & just wondered if any readers had any suggestions on how to get more involved with horses when you can't afford a horse! I recently moved to a new area that I thought would be teeming with horses, but there don't seem to be any riding schools left because of the...