Well it's just as easy to confuse a Sab, show him or her bar of soap and ask them what it is for!
We can all make jokes about stereotypes but it doesn't make us comedians.
Jock Straps and Thongs! This forum is in danger of degenerating into somewhere for its users to air their dirty laundry? I see Mairi from another post that you may have come back over from the Dark Side.
Hi C, Studs sound like a bad idea to me, they (the studs) must represent a danger to yourself, the horse (yours) other people and their horses, what about if you have to go out on road? I suppose if your an Anti and Dragging then maybe you don't venture out onto the tarmac. The whole enterprise...
Yeah those Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys the French government have no stomach for any form of confrontation, look at what's happened over the UN peace keeping force in the Lebanon. They make a lot of noise, but when push come to shove they don't come up with the goods.
No your right their Wallace, had those tossers not highlighted just how crap the security was, then some genuine terrorist may have got into the chamber and done us all a favour, come back Guy Fawkes all is forgiven!