Recent content by Sillymoo

  1. S

    Confidence building to compete

    No I don't belong to a riding club but it sounds like a good place to start, thanks for your reply
  2. S

    Confidence building to compete

    Hi I need some advice please. Really would like to start eventing my horse, just starting off with some BE80 training stuff, but I don't feel confident to give it a go. I also know that I need to improve my balance over fences to be able to ride a full course. Can anyone suggest any...
  3. S

    Lateral work and flexion

    I always thought it was a) step away from direction of bend - hence the reason why leg yield is taught before half pass but I have a very limited knowledge so could be (and probably am) completely wrong!
  4. S

    Thursday afternoon musings...

    I don't jump much either and quite readily admit it tho I wish I was braver!
  5. S

    Thursday afternoon musings...

    I think you might be onto something but I fail to see how having a nutter is something to 'brag' about, surely it make you more proud to have a well behaved horse?
  6. S

    Thursday afternoon musings...

    I think you've probably hit the nail on the head with that - what I don;t understand thos is why a novice rider wouldn't just feel comfortable saying that it felt really bad but they accept it probably felt worse than it was?! It's something that I've thoguth about a few times to be honest...
  7. S

    Thursday afternoon musings...

    Why do you think in the horsey world do people feel the need to over exaggerate about things? Examples; how high they jump, how badly behaved a horse is, how often they ride, how good they are etc etc etc I have never known the same thing, not to the same extent anyway, in any other 'group'...
  8. S

    Bit to help horse come off the forehand

    I meant a snaffle with a lozenge/peanut too in my earlier post instead of a jointed snaffle which is what I typed!!!!! I can't edit that one now...! I'm away with the fairies today!!!!
  9. S

    Bit to help horse come off the forehand

    Sorry, I thought it did exert a bit of poll pressure & was useful on horses that come above the bit for that reason? As I say I'm not very experienced with different bits & their action! OP, other thing that would be good, if you don't already do plenty, would be lateral work. My...
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    Lovely girl, congratulations & good luck for your future together!!!!!!
  11. S

    Bit to help horse come off the forehand

    I'm no expert on bitting so could be completely wrong but won't a hanging cheek snaffle make him more on his forehand due to the poll pressure? Perhaps try a loose ring jointed snaffle - kk's are very good. Sorry I can't be more help! ETS - I agree with above, it's probably more about the...
  12. S

    "Katie Price can't ride" claims Jodie Marsh

    Well I am shocked - you'd think she'd use that brain of hers a bit more wouldn't you! With regards to the riding & the pics - none of what is showed in those pictures is riding - both are just sat on a horse so not really anything to go by, IMO. What I will say is that at least JM looks to...
  13. S

    "Katie Price can't ride" claims Jodie Marsh

    Ha ha! That is hilarious - the war of words will now ensue & both will come out looking like silly tarts! What is even more hilarious is that Jodie Marsh reckons she has an IQ of 138!!!!! On what planet?!?!?!?!
  14. S

    Another saddle question...sorry... size is for the bum & flaps length is for the legs?
  15. S

    Another saddle question...sorry...

    Dear All Please could someone explain how a seat size is decided for a rider? I thought that the leg measurement was taken but I see plenty of tall skinny people who have long legs that aren't sliding around in a massive saddle?! Is it actually all about the derriere?! Yours Big bottomed...