Recent content by summerguest

  1. S

    How can i improve my thotoughbred x cobs trot.

    Could be his natural trot, I had a mare tbxcob like him in the field ...if his trot is choppy when free in the field then improvement will be small. If its a much more expressive loser trot then when you ride him then schooling / half halts etc will help.
  2. S

    Injecting the Navicular Bursa and MRI Scans

    My mare had MRI scans when she went lame 5 years ago. The scans are excellent and showed she had inflammation of the navicular bursae, all the xrays were negative showing no bone damage. However knowing the problem doesn't guarantee a solution! I decided to take her shoes off and throw her out...
  3. S

    Feed balancer: TopSpec or BlueChip?

    I was recommended equilibra feed balancer for my youngster and he did so well on it Ive dropped out all hard feed this winter for my other horses and just feed haylage/ alfa or molly chaff , with the feed balancer and drop of oil. They all look healthy and glossy and sane.
  4. S

    What do you class as a spook?

    nobody seems to have mentioned stopping dead! That's my horses favourite spook..... especially at gallop across the beach......he will see a change in pattern in the sand.....go from 30mph to 0mph in a tenth of a second and put his head down to look at weird floor! When I first got him, it was...
  5. S

    To those with non horsey OHs, how do you cope?

    I am lucky and have a husband who puts up with me......still likes to moan though! I have seen a lot of marriages break up over the wife's 'obsession' with horses,and whenever my hubby pointed that out to me I would jokingly say....don't make me choose or you had better learn how to use domestic...
  6. S

    Distances for polework

    you could check by lunging over trotting poles, you want his feet to land half way between the poles. If his feet land nearer to the next pole you need bigger distance, nearer to the last need to put them closer together. One human stride plus length of your foot is a good guide to...
  7. S

    Navicular- any experiences, please help

    My TB was diagnosed 5 years ago, She has been barefoot since and has had two episodes where she went lame for a few months and was on bute for these periods. She has only done light work since (due to other circumstances) so don't know if she would stay sound doing hard work. I am a firm...
  8. S

    Have you turned out this morning?

    mine went out while I mucked out....but were very eager to come back in till the worst of the rain stopped. The ones left out stood by gate with heads on the floor not at all impressed. Mine had their stable doors open while I was pottering about and none of them made any attempt to venture back...
  9. S

    Maintaining a relationship with 2 horses

    Love them equally (same as my kids).....Some days you prefer one, the next day its the other....depending on behaviour etc......(same as kids!) Though I'd like to take the best bits from both and make my ideal horse!!!
  10. S

    How much weight can a 14hh traditional cob carry

    Im 11 stone and my 15.1 arab x copes with me fine but I am hesitating about keeping my baby gipsy cob cos think he will only make 14.1hh tops and wasn't sure that he would cope with me. Looking at this thread perhaps he will, but I would want someone much lighter to back him, and then I would...
  11. S

    Advice on dog-friendly flooring please!

    no probs with scratching the floor but my greyhound sometimes has trouble with it. when he slides on it, he gets scared and stands on his claws so then does the splits....not good! My whippet doesn't have any probs with the laminate floor though.
  12. S

    What do you feed your youngster??

    22 month old gypsy cob to make 14.1hh scoop of alpha A veg oil equilibra feed balancer sugar beet plus hay/haylage
  13. S

    Issues with heels down whilst nudging on?

    The fact that the stirrups are slipping back to the arch suggest your legs are slipping forwards as you kick, maybe you are slightly leaning back and using your seat and body too much in your 'nudging'. At least it sounds like you are not lifting your heels and kicking with them.
  14. S

    To rug or not to rug

    don't know about the clipping effecting coat, but I would go with my gut feeling. If they seem to be feeling the cold then rug them if they are happy without a rug don't bother!
  15. S

    Haylage causing IBS (runny poo!)

    Thanks for your replies. Its definitely the haylage, he's been on soaked hay for a week now and got a lovely clean botty! He has also stopped coughing up blobs of mucus so think it more the transition to stable life from field than they hay.(even though he's on rubber matting with sprinkles of...