Recent content by SuperTeifi

  1. S

    Fed up of getting ripped off

    This yes!! FINALLY! I have requested to join your group. Thank you for taking a stand. The freestep calmer spray one, i was horrified when i saw it! These companies need stopping until some credible evidence can be seen!
  2. S

    Robinsons stores..

    I traveled from Gloucestershire to Cardiff to visit their store. I was very disappointed. May be worth a visit if you just want low end /every day stuff but there's much better places imo.
  3. S

    How to store bridles

    I'd just give them a really good clean and condition and then put in cotton pillow cases or similar. Somewhere warm and dry, so a heated tack room or in the house :D
  4. S

    Which nose band to use?!

    A standard caveson with flash could be all that's needed? Certainly if there's no crossing of the jaw. There's also an interesting flash bridle by EvoEquine. I think you can remove the flash without the loop in the middle if that makes sense!
  5. S

    Bridles: Micklem/Fairfax/Antares/Stubben/Other

    Have you considered PS of Sweden or EvoEquine? PS of sweden have a large range, expensive and there have been some quibbles over the quality but I don't think you can beat the variety they offer and some of the styling! EvoEquine have a comfort one too with an interesting noseband and headpiece.
  6. S

    open university and horses...

    Yes, I hope you don't like sleep. I work full time plus some Monday - Friday, I'm completing a degree, started a business a few months ago that is actually going pretty well but could be a full time job in itself, whilst looking after 3 horses and my grandmother. I occasionally try and have a...
  7. S

    Duty of care to animals on your property that you don't own

    Wow, just wow! I'm not sure how he would have got out of that one. £260 fine for not getting a vet or the cost of the vets bills if he did!
  8. S

    Horse Available - Gloucestershire

    I have a 17hh Gelding available for hacking in Gloucestershire if anyone is interested? He has had time off and needs bringing back into work so needs an experienced rider. Never bucked, bolted or reared he's just very nervous and takes confidence from his rider. Currently just being a...
  9. S

    padded noseband with a padded poll area

    Have a look at EvoEquine bridles. Super padded noseband and well shaped padded headpiece :)
  10. S

    Fairfax bridles - clever or just clever marketing?

    It seems clever but don't forget they also have a huge amount of money and resource behind them for the marketing and testing! What I don't understand however is why they have to make it so expensive? If they really care about horse welfare and comfort then why would they not make it more...
  11. S

    Another pressure relieving bridle

    They are great! The noseband doesn't suit every horse but it's so well padded and seems v comfortable. The headpiece has a lovey shape to it and seems to sit well. I don't think they're a copy as I haven't seen any other noseband like it. I think by the flash being removable it means removable...
  12. S

    Stronger bit vs stronger noseband

    If you want a bridle that gives the option of a flash or no flash (without the annoying flash loop) have a look at the new EvoEquine Ltd bridles. They are quite chunky and hunter looking but are super comfortable for the horse. It may just help to have a bridle that is comfortable but holds his...
  13. S

    bridle help

    Have a look at the EvoEquine Bridles. They're a new company with really nice hunter style comfort bridles. Completely removable flash too! They're on facebook as EvoEquine Ltd or
  14. S

    Livery near Wotton under Edge

    No, Pete Pointing, General Builder at Woodmans. He has P2P horses too.
  15. S

    Barefoot horse forum

    There is 'barefoot horse owners group' on facebook , it's great