Recent content by tarbra

  1. T

    If you died today...

    I don't have a horse now but if I did it would go to my daughter, she would never let any harm come to it, she loves horse and would keep it to the end making sure it had a good life.
  2. T

    Hope its worth it

    You say it is not your other half and everyones on at him, his boss, parents etc saying I am living above my means! Well I say he should stand up to them. I never have and never would have given up my horses to get married, and as it isn't for him it is for a load of busy bodies, Goodness I...
  3. T

    the thin end of the wedge?

    Now this is crazy!
  4. T

    Tragic News of Pony Team Rider

    Oh this is tragic, I am soo sorry for her family! It makes me shudder my youngest is about to take her driving test and this has horrified me! God what an awful thing to happen! My deepest sympathy to her parents, James and Marion, and her brother, Ben. Should they ever read this!
  5. T

    Is the massive thread about horse slaughter gone?

    JingleBellJade Maybe I should add that the debate is still going on on my article site, but I am not giving the link out again! Because some people are being just plan rude.
  6. T

    Is the massive thread about horse slaughter gone?

    JingleBellJade Nothing to do with me, Rosiefan is probably right quote: so much for free speech. End Quote I wouldn't do that no matter how many were having a go at me because I actually do believe in freedom of speech.
  7. T

    What would you do in this scenario?...BE HONEST

    Custardsmum: We all deal with grief differently, my way is to keep myself occupied anyway I can, and if I can help someone else along the way all the better. Christiamas: I am not being warped some people have been descending into making personal attacks on me. Oh and I didn’t actually have a...
  8. T

    Euthanasia which method is the more favourable option,why?

    I agree with sodapop Quote:'have witnessed both, shooting horrendous had very bad experience as knacker man missed and horse staggering around, took 3 more shots and lots blood and very distressed owner, awful to watch. i know it was probably an isolated incident and most don't make these errors...
  9. T

    What would you do in this scenario?...BE HONEST

    Bedlam Quote:Get help!!!! If possible try to let the mares into another pasture and sedate the stallion - with a dart gun from vet if possible?End quote: As all had gone well up that this point then something must happened to set him off? I would want to find out what before I made any rash...
  10. T

    Could have cried when I got to the yard this morning!

    Unbelievable what they can get up to. He must have got bored or frightened by something? Good luck when you get him a new rug!
  11. T

    Do you think im cruel?

    Not cruel at all. You go ahead I think this is nice! I had a wonderful little Shetland pony years ago and OK she did have Laminitus when I got her. I did a little article on this which is free to read if you want to, nothing to buy, this is not a sales pitch...
  12. T

    Do you think im cruel?

    Not cruel at all. You go ahead I think this is nice! :-) I had a wonderful little Shetland pony years ago and OK she did have Laminitus when I got her. I did a little article on this which is free to read if you want to, nothing to buy, this is not a sales pitch...
  13. T

    Following on from slaughterhouse post

    SirenaXVI Presume and insinuate all you like. That first vote was not mine. Note: You cannot vote until you have left a comment! This is my first comment.
  14. T

    What would you do?

    I think The_Psephologist gave the best advice. However if your daughter has relayed the situation to you correctly I think it was not an appropriate thing to discuss in an English lesson and should be sorted out. Tread carefully and get all the facts first before doing anything. Good luck...