Recent content by vicky1221

  1. V

    Arena HELP

    Hi I installed an arena approx 4 years ago, the guy who installed had done several arenas before and took full control. There are currently stones coming up through the sand, initially small ones but now larger stones are starting to appear. When the arena was installed the base was not...
  2. V

    Made my manege disaster into a website!

    And me pls. I'm having problems, my contractor did not vibrate stones in. any ideas what to do
  3. V

    Arena surface HELP

    I put in an arena 2 years ago, size 25 x 50, Lough Sand 6 inches deep when first installed. The arena is great in wet weather but deep in dry weather. The sand is now only 3/4 inches in places. I am having problems that sometimes when a horse skids on it when loose I can hear stones...
  4. V

    Resting hind leg

    Hi thanks for the replies. He only does it at night when resting in his stable. No lameness, heat, etc. that I can see. When ridden he never rests it.
  5. V

    Resting hind leg

    My horse always rests one back leg, I've never seen him resting the other one. Is this a sign of lameness or just habit. Thanks
  6. V

    Horse manure briquettes

    I read somewhere that it can give off harmful gases that cause lung problems is this true?
  7. V

    Horse manure briquettes

    Can you burn everything, ie. wet bedding, shavings, etc or just the poo?
  8. V

    Horse manure briquettes

    Has anyone made briquettes out of horse manure? What is your opinion? Are there any health concerns for burning in a multi fuel stove Thanks
  9. V

    Arthritis of the hock - injection experiences please

    I have had my geldings hocks injected 3 times, the first time he felt like he was 5 again. Last year didn't work so well as he could only be given a small dose as he was overweight so they didn't work as well. I started using vetroflex supplement mid last year and it made a massive...
  10. V

    Danilon Vs Bute

    Danilon put my horse off his feed the day after he is fed it and goes dull. has anyone ever experienced that. Just so everyone knows i posted a new thread about bute, danilon and was basiically told that i was cruel and that my horse would be better off dead.
  11. V

    Supplements for Arthritis

    Vetroflex has really helped my gelding who has arthritis in both hocks
  12. V

    Danilon, bute?

    I was advised by my vet to use 2 twice a day. He only gets them on a friday night and saturday morning while competing. He is also on vetroflex. When assessed by the vet he said that he wasn't that unsound, he injected his hocks and said to use bute too. We are only jumping 90cms
  13. V

    Danilon, bute?

    Hi my older gelding has been diagnosed with arthritis, my vet has advised using danilon. When he gets one sachet twice per day he is fine but when given 2 sachets twice per day he goes dull and off his feed. Has anyone ever had a similar problem or can recommend any solutions thanks.