
  1. S

    Wither rubbing

    I have a draught with sweetitch and winter is killing me throughout summer we just put a bib under rugs or didn’t rug him when hot and he was grand but over winter no matter the rug with or without his withers are being rubbed he got rubbed by reins breastplate the whole lot we got fleece to...
  2. S

    Stopping rugs rubbing

    Has Anyone tried the snuggy hoods petticoat or sweetitch rug if so what’s everyone’s options my poor horse gets rubbed by eveything so I’m looking for something to go under his rugs b
  3. S

    Fly rug help ?!

    Hi I have a 16.1 draught with sweetitch I’ve managed to grown him a lovely thick mane and tail over the winter and worried bout him rubbing it off in summer he gets an injection for the sweetitch so it’s not as bad and I’m looking for recommendations for fly rugs something that covered as...