
  1. SilverLy

    Please!!! Any Laminitis rehab tips/recommendations/help/support please!!!

    Hiya, I’m really sorry to ask for advice that’s been asked a million times, and I’m sorry for the long post, so anyone willing to read the whole thing - thank you thank you thank you!!! My 22yr old Welsh 12.2 pony with Cushings (who I’ve owned since we were both 6) has been on loan for the past...
  2. B

    Novice owner looking for advice on lamness

    Please excuse the long winded post you may be about to read. I have a 13hh 11 year old fell pony. She started showing some lameness in her right for with some swelling around the tendon below the fetlock. Vet was called. We did a week box rest a week of restricted turn out with Bute. She...
  3. P

    Pony gassier than ever

    Hi everyone. My 14.2 welsh pony has moved from quite a large paddock to a small restricted (about 20x30m) paddock with little grazing as shes gained a good bit of weight and I want to get it off as well as stop the possiility of laminitis. That was about 2 weeks ago and I have noticed that...
  4. Ponygirl777

    Slightly swollen pastern and heat in hoof wall, sole and pastern, but not lame?

    I'm baffled and a bit worried. Noticed when picking out Einar's feet on Monday that his NF hoof was slightly warm compared to the other 3 hooves which were cold. On examination there was also slight heat in the sole of the hoof and in the pastern itself. The pastern is very slightly swollen...
  5. Ponygirl777

    Increased respiratory rate

    Hi everyone. I'm wondering if the wonderful and collective hivemind of the Forum can maybe throw up some ideas or advice? Quick background: 8 yo Highland gelding getting over a recent bout of mild laminitis. Has always been barefoot but due to vet concerns he has his first set of heartbars...