Gender Mare
Description / Comments Horses name: baby girl
Age: 15
Sex: mare Colour: chestnut
Height: 16.1 Breed: warmblood
White markings: white blaze two white hind socks
One just below hock one just below fetlock ,back legs badly scarred
Colour Chestnut
Height 16.1 HH
Age 15years
Stolen from nash lane, keston, kent. Crime reference: cad no. 3932 1st september
Police station Informed: bromley
Police contact number:01689 891 212
Many thanks for most of you here for your kind words and wishes. I found my horse myself in chipstead in a yard you can only enter via a travellers site,who may i say had nothing to do with the theft of my horse ! The yard ir rented to a woman called KELLY,who had my mare hidden there,she has clipped her and cut her mane with scissors! She apparently had my mare sale or return from a man. Kelly has a friend who is a member of the horse and hound forum how funny that this friend failed to notice all posts
On here with so many facts about the mare the area etc. The local horse feed shop had posters up ,i had been searcing that area posting leaflets and asking everyone everyday dawn til dusk,also strange! She even admitted that it did seem too good to be true that a 6500pound hourse that leg yeilded from one end of the school to the other was given to her for 600 sale or return,and surely someone that works for the goverment would know the passport laws with horses,i still am waiting for the return of my
Mare as though i did it all the right way and waited til police arrived to escort me onto site and as i thought retrieve my B.G,especially when it was admited to them that kelly didnot dispute the fact that the mare was mine,her main concern was when was i going to pay the livery bill handed to me of over 700pounds because until i did B.G was not being removed from there. With this the pcs told me the met had to deal with it and they were going and they did. I will keep you posted on events thanks again.
WHAT????!!!! The woman's livery bill has absolutely nothing to do with you. Surely it's her problem, not yours. What on earth are the police playing at? I can't believe they walked away, they should have escorted you and your horse off of the premises, and if the woman still insists you pay her bill then she should pursue it through the civil courts.
Thankyou, i cant believe surrey police force,and their actions or lack of then. I an lodging a complaint,and the met have instructed them more than once to remove my mare. Weve had a horse box twice already and had to let it go.have no money left to get one when they do get her out. And ive been asked for livery etc. My price for my horse being stolen is a lot of tears and heartbreak. Wots money to an animal lover? ?
that's great news that you have found bg. that is mental tho, surely they can't expect you to pay a bill for her being with this kelly person. you didn't put her there. she is in receipt of stolen goods. i would call the police again and complain about how this has been handled. has the man that kelly got her from been charged with theft? do you thiink kelly knew she had been stolen, you said she had her hidden. poor you and poor bg, you need to get her back.
I think it's procedure when a stolen horse is recovered to have the police present, so that the owner can prove ownership to them. But also if I was Mallyman I would want the police to escort me and the horse in this case, as they have to go through a traveller site.
We got my princess out 2day at around half three. My baby girl was brought home by an angel up above by the name of pauline,many thanks to a wonderful person. Also thanks to all the lovely ladies where babygirl has moved to,they were very kind and made such a fuss of my girl. Thanks 2 my other girl natalie who has been my rock,she can now relax and have her baby. My thoughts go out to RITA who is desperately looking for her pony who went from Hurst green,she is searching for so many peoples horses!
She was even searching for our babygirl,she has called us everyday to see if we had any news. We have never met this lady but her and all the people she is supporting because they have had horses stolen were all willing to come to our aid and get BG out of there. Please check stolen horse sites often and keep looking for their horses please.james thanks for putting up with me never being in our bed because i was either out searching or googling anything i could think of that would help find her.thanks all.