
Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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when the new hunting season starts in october I will of just turned 18, so basically is there any change in etiquette when this grand old age is reached ie. dress/turnout etc.????

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
9 April 2010
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Dress codes vary from hunt to hunt so you're always best to ask. Our hunt and neighbouring hunts, regular subscribers whatever the age are in black (or navy for girls as an option) and tweed is allowed though I know some stipulate only tweed. We have an old photograph of a former huntsman's 13 year old son impeccably turned out in scarlet and whipping in for us many years ago, and probably working as hard as any adult! The original reason for tweed for juniors is down originally to cost and having an expensive coat that they would only wear for one season before growing out of.

Hunt buttons is another one. Some hunts award the right to wear buttons after a set number of years membership. Others for undertaking duties or helping out.

Subscription rates depend on the hunt. We have the following:

A nominal rate for children up to 14,

Another rate for 15-18 and concessions (those not on a regular wage such as students, unemployed and retired),

Supporting farmers and landowners have their own rate,

Full subscribers rate.

In any case, you are best to ask your hunt.
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