Travelling in the box as close as possible to the hunt is at an agreed time in the middle of the day.
Checking turnout and tacking up second horse for whoever you are meeting.
Getting on and following until you manage to locate / catch up with the field or member of the hunt staff that you are meeting.
Swapping horses, helping them up etc.
Hopping onto the first horse and hacking gently back to the box.
Unless you are lucky enough to have someone meet you - untack, wash off and see to first horse
Either take first horse home or rug up and (once cool and calm) offer water and stand in box with a haynet to wait for end of the day.
As above but don't forget that the rider should be turned out properly too in tweed jacket, beige breeches/jodh's and long black boots plus dark covered silk over hat/helmet.
Well worth taking something like mints and a Mars bar for you in your pockets, it can sometimes be a long hack home; my old boss used to want me to bring a Mars for him too; he paid!