4x4 tax send tony a message!!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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I cannot believe your government is considering putting a massive tax on 4x4's.

I live in the country, I cannot afford a home due to second home buyers and extremely high prices. So at the age of 27 I am still living with my parents, and considering buying a caravan!

I have a 4x4, I need it for towing trailers on our small working farm. Additionally where we live in the winter its not gritted so a 4x4 certainly helps.

I bought the most economical car I could afford, 33mpg and 223 g/co2. I pay more in tax due to the consumption of diesel.

Why should I have to pay for the chelsea tractor image in the towns?
This government seems determined to ignore the countryside and turn it into a park for the retired and wealthy.

I am unmarried, single, work full time, with no children. Your governement has not made a single policy that benefits me, all the budgets have increased the amount of tax I pay (usually by stealth).

£1,800 for road tax would cripple me, I would have to give up my pension contribution to pay for it, as this is the most readily accessible money I have. After all why bother saving when I can rely on the state welfare?

Please consider your electorate when considering policies - TV's left on standby cause more environmental damage than 4x4's, so the argument is flawed and appears to be nothing more than a money making idea.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Join the club cotswoldsJ,you couldn't even get up my driveway in a car but we all know the countryside doesn't matter (Unless you farm butterflies badgers and bats)there aren't enough votes! This is why foot and mouth was treated so much more differantly than bird flu, more people keep pet chickens than keep cows.
I drive to work in the summer in a chariot because diesel is so expensive and I have to do a 12 mile round trip to get it anyway.

I have to sneak up a footpath to do it because pack animals and horses are forced onto the road whereas ramblers (more votes again)can walk wherever they like

Look on it this way "what goes round comes around" one day fuel will be so expensive people won't be able to source their food from abroad and when their belly's are empty maybe they will appreciate the farmers more and realise they can't eat the view


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Just sent one explaining that I have a horse and we foster children and so need a 4x4 with 7 seats!
Also mentioned the farmers. Also mentioned the fact that some reps are offered a 4x4 as a company car and they don`t need it as they have no need for it just to be safer or look good and if they looked into that, then there would be a lot less on the road.
Anyway, I was polite and to the point.
Hopefully our views will be heard.

I watched a bit in the news a while ago when they first started talking about it and a newsman asked a few people why they had 4x4`s and a lot of people said that they were safer built for taking the kids to school etc... These people were quite well off too, so it won`t affect them. But us people that need one, it will affect as we like to lavish our horses not give it to the prime minister.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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How much is the tax going up to, does anyone know?

I soon won't be able to afford to get to work!

I bought my 4WD because I was finding it too expensive to run a Transit horsebox plus a car, constant MOT failures, parts and the like. It crippled me to buy the 4WD and trailer, and the diesel running it is a killer too.

Have I got to give up riding and take up knitting?