A bit of a breakthough with Ivy, and a tale of a cow and 5 sheep...


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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What a night last night!

Took the spacehopper for a quick spin. Had a scrap with her napping horribly as she didn't want to go past animal farm, but won after only 2 mins, 2 rein backs, 3 spins round and 2 taps with a schooling whip! (I didn't beat her, just taps!)

Got back and Gail had tacked up the spotty horror. We had some loose side reins on to get her used to something on the bit and did some walking round with me behind doing some "walk on" and "whoa" commands as she's not understanding that long reining.

THEN... took her round to the mounting block for Gail to do the lying on her back bit, and walking round with weight on - laid over her back. No problem, done it a few times now. Walked into the yard and I told Gail to try....this...


Looks bothered doesn't she? Bit of a dodgy photo but I had phone in one hand and Ivy on a leadrope in the other, and she was following me!

And the bit of work is making her so much nicer to handle, she's loving the attention. Don't get me wrong she's not getting ridden, but the odd sit and walk a quick circle isn't going to bother her, she's already as big as her mum!

But just as we walked round the yard, we stopped in our tracks "COW!!!" there was a lone escaped cow in our field, heading towards the yard, over the grass runway (punishable by death!!!). Gail got off quick, didn't want anything to upset Ivy when she'd been so good. I put Ivy away and Mrs YO, Gail and I head down the field...

Took an hour and much chasing to get the cow back in its field and vaguely secure, by which point Mrs YO noticed 3 "shapes" running across the front of the barn. We also had 5 escaped rare sheep from over the road, the farm Asti hates going past as in the napping above...

Cue lots of phone calls and us and Mrs YO (YO is away with away with work) and 2 neighbouring famers and assorted others and finally the owners (who were searching the woods knowing they were missing) try to find the missing funny looking brown things...

Finally got home for tea last night after 10pm, still not sure if all the sheeps were back but we'd caught 2, 2 were safe in a field, and one was still at large!!!

Mad night but fun!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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I spent a night chasing two black dexters around the fields...no fun at all, gave up in the end. They're in the freezer now - the ultimate revenge!!

Well done to spotty one, she looks so chilled.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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'Spotty horror' is apparently so unconcerned, she appears to have dropped off to sleep! LOL

Re. sheep & cow - we have constant 'escapees' coming into the pony field! Farmer is a real laid-back, old-fashioned type (think 'The Village'! LOL) & it takes him at least a week usually to do anything about it!

One day, I found a cow on the yard!

She'd had her calf taken off her the day before & had gone looking for it, crossing 3 fields, numerous fencing obstacles & at least one road!

He did come & collect her fairly quickly & elderly cow got a reprieve for her efforts & was given her baby back!