A Bucks / Herts introduction to hunting?


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24 May 2011
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I have a wonderful mare who I would love to experience everything on including attending a hunt meet... However I am not sure it is sensible to risk it .

My girl is only 10 but is semi retired due to old injury, she us actually only retired from school work and is perfectly sound to hack. We even went x country last year with some friends (we did more galloping than jumping) but not so much as a puffy leg the next day.

So could we go hunting? Do people just go for the jolly or is that not what it's all about? I believe she has hunted 5 years ago before I got her so she may know what it's all about. Not sure if that will be a good thing or a bad thing lol! We are I'm Tring Hertfordshire at the moment but I'm not a local so i lack local knowledge. We are actually from the famous Quorn hunting country up Norf..

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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Hi it's actually now the Kimblewick hunt, we do hunt round that area, look on the website for contact details. It sounds like you will be fine out hunting, quite a few people do just come occasionally, for a 'a jolly', social, educational reasons. We are all friendly. Have you hunted before?