A Hi-Vis Praise Thread!


Well-Known Member
24 January 2010
At the yard
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To the 2 people out horse riding on Sunday, near to Wix Equestrian Centre in Colchester around 11am.

One was on a Grey horse, approx 14-15hh. She was wearing hi vis and her horse had a hi vis exercise sheet on (and possibly hi vis bandages??). She was accompanied by a rather cute coloured of similar height. The female rider was wearing hi vis.

We were driving along quite a small country lane, which had hedges and was lined with trees, with some quite blind bends. Not going fast. However, the hi vis meant we saw the horse riders some distance off through the small gaps in the hedges. Gave us a chance to stop the horse box in a space wide enough for them to safely pass, and meant we slowed down nice and safely.

Both horses passed us calmly and sensibly ... then spooked at something as they passed us :p

Everyone is very quick to post when they see riders who aren't wearing hi vis. So here is a praise thread to some very sensible riders, who were also polite in waving their thanks to us for stopping. Who knows if they'll ever see this, but I was very impressed with the distance away we could see them, because of their hi vis, even though the road was quite densely lined with trees and hedges. The bright yellow exercise sheet was particularly visible.


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I was very impressed with the distance away we could see them, because of their hi vis, even though the road was quite densely lined with trees and hedges. The bright yellow exercise sheet was particularly visible.

Exactly!!:) and this is why hiviz hat covers are so good too, cos you can often spot them above the hedges even when the rest of the rider and horse are obscured.

Great post :)


Well-Known Member
20 September 2008
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It certainly makes live much safer for everyone when riders wear hi vis. I know I've had motorists stop and thank me for being so visible (and when my youngster is being a pratt at least drivers get chance to slow down for us).


Well-Known Member
9 November 2010
East Anglia
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What is a shame is that this is such a rare occurrence in this area that it warrants such a post! I live 2 villages away from Wix and keep my horses 7 miles away passing through a heavily populated horsey area, dispute always slowing down and stopping I rarely see horses or riders in hi viz, never get a thank you and have been sworn at and shouted at by riders on very quiet horses because dispute pulling half off the road and being stationery I haven't switched my engine off! One road has only just had the stubble ploughed up beside it but riders refused to move off the road onto the stubble and I can't use the shortest road home as dispute having his own private floodlit school one rider chooses to hack out in the dark on a dark horse with no hi viz - his excuse is he owns a big house down that road so has every right!!!!!!
So a big thank you to those riders in hi viz (by the way I always ride out in bright orange hi viz before anyone thinks I'm a hippocrite - I just can't spell!!!)