A little bit of helpful advice please?-horses and lifestyle


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Hey all,

Well iv posted a few threads recently about trying to sort my life out in terms of money and job/career.

On a few of the threads people suggested that I should maybe not buy current pony who iv got on lwvtb or not have a pony at all and it made me think a bit. I love my horses and every time I sell one I want another but I dont know wether the time has come to change and either not have one/have one cheaply as I need to buy a new car(my ones dying), pay back debts to family (lol) and I want to move out which is impossible whilst paying for a pony! But I think this and then I think 'naa il prob regret it and ignore it'...

However saying that, I love my yard- its amazing but its £163 a month for DIY livery(bedding/hay included) and after feed,shoes,ins etc I must spend over £250 a month on my horse and only get paid £190 a week. So do
A) Ignore my obvious spend and carry on as I love my pony/yard and find a better job that hopefully means I can afford horse and car/flat etc
B) Move pony to just grazing and just hack out etc (not like I can afford to compete anyway)- Only problem with this is hes on loan and owner wants him somewhere with facilities and he may not cope as hes rather over sensitive and needs constant work etc.
C) Give pony back and have none(maybe be miserable)
D) Get a youngster, keep it on grazing, so I have something to love and play with but wont cost me half as much
E) Find a cheap cop type horse I can keep on grazing so I have a pony but have more money spare

What do you guys think? I know you can only advise and I need to decide but would be nice to hear thoughts :)

Also is it possible to find a youngster/ridden horse for very cheap (I mean under £500), it would need to be over 14.2hh/not be a plod/able to live out...

It all came about as my friend keeps her unsound horse(tendon injury) in a massive field v local to me mainly for retired/unsound/young horses but a lady has a few cob types up there and she just tacks up by gate and goes off hacking and I got me thinking :)

*hot choc with whipped cream to anyone offering help*


Well-Known Member
24 April 2007
New Forest
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I'd say the same as above.
Send other horses backs, take a break, save some money.
Then you might grow out if horses!
You could share or part loan one or keep one for less by getting a native good doer.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2007
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Dunno what you do now job wise but I would say, unless there is chance of decent promotion within the job the look for something else! I have found the only way really to get up the salary ladder is to move jobs! I did this last year (wish I'd done it years before) and then bought a house shortly after as my salary was much better - not exceptional but better! I have since been promoted within my new job (that's within 1 year, I got nowhere in my previous job that I was in for nearly 7 years!).

Personally if i knew i qwould be miserable without my horse(s) then I would not get rid, I would find a more economical way of keeping them. I think maybe you could look to change your livery and do something more simple and cheaper so at least you can save some pennies there.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Sorry i forgot say.. Im 20 and atm i work at a kennels for min wage (£5 hr) and no chance of promotion :(

i wont grow out of horses i know that for a fact-so im thinking do it cheaper? But i just dont know if current pony would cope.

Such hard decisions :/


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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At 20 you need to look at your finances. There is no way you can afford to have a pony, drive a car and think about moving out of home on £5 per hour.

If I were you I would give up the loan pony, and start looking at getting regular riding/hacking lesson/sessions at a local school or getting rides for jobs. I would look at getting some sort of qualifications or work experience to improve your chances of earning more than £5 ph. And then in a couple of years, when your circumstances have improved look at getting a share horse. Just because you can not afford your own now doesn't mean that horses have to be out of your life. xx


Well-Known Member
4 October 2004
West Yorkshire
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Get rid of the pony... Appreciate that will be hard.
However, offer to ride instead.
Where I live, I know of a few spare / older / 2nd / 3rd horses with owners with not enough time to devote to all.
My mum is one of these, has a younger horse in livery who takes up her time riding wise, and my Shetland and her older horse at home. I keep threatening to ride the horse at home, but work commitments come first ... She's got everything I dreamed of as a kid (land, stables, arena and horsebox; plus two stunning Dressage horses)
They are out there, and whilst my mum loves her horses she feels guilty that the one at home is on one long holiday. They are out there, and may be a better solution.
By the sounds of it, all you'd need is one large vet bill to derail you...
If I'm honest, maybe it's time to focus on a career, save some pennies, pay your debts, and put yourself out there to beg, steal or borrow horses / ponies - they are definitely out there.
Good luck whatever you decide :)


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Thanks guys :) Unfortunately vets bills have what have caused debts to family although it is paid off almost!

Its just so hard to not have a horse at all.

I think maybe the sensiblest option is to get a cheap youngster/cob that I can keep at grass £40 a month plus trim and ins... Almost quarter of what I spend now...


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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I would say pay back loans to family etc. well before you buy a new pony, if I was them I might decide never to lend you money again and you might need it.. ~It's also not fair to have other peopls money with you when they might need it.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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I would say pay back loans to family etc. well before you buy a new pony, if I was them I might decide never to lend you money again and you might need it.. ~It's also not fair to have other peopls money with you when they might need it.

This ^^

Pay back what you owe.

Set out a budget on what you get paid now.

Decide what carerr/job you want and go for it.

Then, when all the above is in place, go and buy a pony and enjoy it, knowing that you don't owe anything and that you have the money you need as and when you need it.

flying solo

Well-Known Member
9 June 2010
In the starvation paddock!
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Part share? I thought about it as I don't have enough time to ride everyday but out of the two people who showed interest and planned to view (via word of mouth) no one actually got back to me. u dint want payment or any yard duties done either! Its a good way to save money if you find someone who is just greatful for honest help a few times a week xx


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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i'm in a simular situation as you atm just w/o the job, the difficult part imo is choosing what career you want to do / study towards!
I still have no idea :(


Well-Known Member
30 November 2007
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Ah right yes I recall your previous posts. In all honesty, there is no way you will be able to afford a house, car and be able to have a horse on that wage! I vgot my house last year, mortgages are not easy to get and i still needed my parent's help with the deposit and I am in my 30s! You need a decent job I'm afraid, either that or, if you want to work with animals you need to look for a job where accomodation is inclueded and maybe livery for your horse (if you worked in a horse-related job).

Personally though I would actually maybe go for 'normal' job where you can earn enough to be able to afford the things you want. You need to to get yourself on some jobsites - try Delacy (or John delacey - can't really recall!) recruitment - they recruit for agricultural and equine careers - quite a few feed sales posts and these can pay very well if selling livestock feeds (I have a friend who has done VERY well!) may be worth a try.

I actually just got a couple of emails from them the other day with some positions going - I am not currently looking for a job though. You need to think bigger essentially. You are still young but IF you want the horses and the lifestyle then you need a job that pays even if it maybe isn't the 'dream' at the moment!

Here is the website



Well-Known Member
17 July 2009
South Wales
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I don't understand your thinking around how a youngster or cob will be cheaper. I'd have thought that a youngster would be more expensive with dentists, cost of breaking in etc. Horses are only as expensive as you make them irrespective of age/breed - I.e. instead of buying the top brands, use alternatives. If you're struggling now, how will you afford vets fees etc?


Well-Known Member
30 November 2007
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Thats what im thinking now.... I am going for a normal job so I can afford horse and a life... But its finding a job. Iv tried searching for feed sales jobs but cant find any in my area :(

You just have to keep looking!!! Don't set your mind on one thing thoughm just get your CV out there. Get yourself on lots of job sites Jobsite being one of them) get some help jazzing up your CV. I think Goddard Gadd have various equine and canine vacancies and they are based more down south I think?! Also, keep your eye on the H&H job vacancies site.

You just have to keep at it I'm afraid and maybe not be fussy BUT have an idea of what minimum salary you would accept - no point working your butt off for nothing!!!! There are jobs out there no matter what people say so just keep trying.

If worse comes then apply for insurance jobs - that's what I'm 'stuck' in!! ha ha (pays the bills though!! Lol)


Well-Known Member
16 May 2007
South Buckinghamshire
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I would:
1) give back pony
2) use spare funds to find/train for new job
3) find inexpensive share in your area, contributing £10/20 per week
4) sort out moving out as nec, build up savings
5) when secure in new job and have own place, see if spare ££ to give up share and get your own again.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Iv been looking all night and applied for any jobs I can actually apply for. Thankyou for the idea of job sites..

I just mean that I would have a youngster/hardy type that would happily live out all year round with minimum feed and barefoot. Which is a cheaper way of keeping a horse than on a good but expensive yard, with a horse thats fully shod and needs a lot of feed....


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Sorry but at min wage working in kennels you cannot afford a horse and car and house. Horse comes last. Instead of sitting at home applying like everyone else, get yourself smartly dressed and head down teh job centre or to a local recruitmen agency and start asking for jobs in person. That is what will give you an extra help to getting a job.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2011
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It sounds like if you dont move jobs your life isnt moving forward in such as your career, living and financial situation. I understand the 'need' to have a horse jesus i am in tears over it all the time but i dont have one and wont till it is financially viable. By getting a youngster or cob you are automatically putting pressure on family as from the income you stated paying vets bills would mean.relying on them. If your car does die and you cant get to work to earn how will you pay for youngster or on flip side if your car dies how can you care daily for youngster. There are lots of ways to be around horses for free so why bog yourself down with owning or loaning.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2011
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If you want to move out and be indpendent then go for it! If you want a new better paying job then make it happen, direct gov, recruit agencies, check websites of large local.businesses and colleges.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Thats not wat im saying at all and if that was the case not many people would own a horse... Im.simply stating that if i carry on as i am i cant move forward (eg. New car/moving out) so do i change things to achieve this ...