A Poem - this is tongue in cheek


Well-Known Member
18 June 2007
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I am a lady owner

Of some advancing years

By now I find too much advice

That’s ringing in my ears

Horses must not be stabled

They must be free to roam

But mine horse is a porker

And grass could be his doom

And Titch has laminitis

And can’t be out all day

Green shoots could be the death of him

I won’t put him in harms way

A dry lot is what’s needed

With lots of ad lib hay

I wonder what’s the difference

You know, in the calorie way

But to get a dry lot going

It seems the only way

Is to napalm all the grazing

And kill what’s in the way

So as I’m on an Island

And on a water course

I can’t napalm the garden

Nor my field of course

Next he must be in a herd

Of course that’s what I’ll do

But there’s another problem

I only have a herd of two

So if they are put together

Morning noon and night

I’ll never get to ride him

He won’t leave without a fight

Ah now there is the barefoot gang

Which makes a bit of sense

But then he is so foot sore

And then that makes him tense

So I purchase him some hoof boots

That’ll do the trick

But they rub his heels sore

And I am starting to feel sick

I can’t do all these things you know

That folks say I must do

So I will simply do my best

And love my lovely two