A poor effort on the hunting field today (or so i thought!)


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22 December 2013
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having moved areas this season i am very local to,two different hunts today was my 4th time out with one i had not got a very high opinion from my previous days & today proved to be a shower! the meet was very well hosted but i thought everyone was very poorly turned out!!,first of all i got quizzed about my cap, i had previously rung to check! moving from the meet it was very steady but a nice day sun was shining moved up over open hill land was quite steep and had a few good runs but half the field got left behind,then another group who were late to the meet turned up wearing RED waterproof rain coats with embroidery on coloured saddle cloths & very unruly horses! they did not stay out long but i gathered two were very involved with the hunt! there was a small log on the track we were cantering up this caused huge concern!! & so did a very small hunt fence! it was like carnage! 2oclock came & the rest of the field had slowly dwindled starting with about 25at the meet came about 3 off us at this time, the whip very kindly tucked me under his wing and i carried on for another hour,there was some one else out who was field mastering and up front with the hounds but she made me feel very unwelcome & told me if my horse was going to kick (he NEVER has NEVER would) i had to go home! at this i decided to leave so returning to my box at 3oclock out with the other locals sat so hopefully a much better day!! anyone else feel very disheartened being a paying guest and being very disappointed


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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having moved areas this season i am very local to,two different hunts today was my 4th time out with one i had not got a very high opinion from my previous days & today proved to be a shower! the meet was very well hosted but i thought everyone was very poorly turned out!!,first of all i got quizzed about my cap, i had previously rung to check! moving from the meet it was very steady but a nice day sun was shining moved up over open hill land was quite steep and had a few good runs but half the field got left behind,then another group who were late to the meet turned up wearing RED waterproof rain coats with embroidery on coloured saddle cloths & very unruly horses! they did not stay out long but i gathered two were very involved with the hunt! there was a small log on the track we were cantering up this caused huge concern!! & so did a very small hunt fence! it was like carnage! 2oclock came & the rest of the field had slowly dwindled starting with about 25at the meet came about 3 off us at this time, the whip very kindly tucked me under his wing and i carried on for another hour,there was some one else out who was field mastering and up front with the hounds but she made me feel very unwelcome & told me if my horse was going to kick (he NEVER has NEVER would) i had to go home! at this i decided to leave so returning to my box at 3oclock out with the other locals sat so hopefully a much better day!! anyone else feel very disheartened being a paying guest and being very disappointed

How very interesting. Of course you will have to identify the hunt. A lady Field Master.

That narrows things somewhat.

Would the county of Wiltshire feature?

Happy Hunter

Well-Known Member
24 April 2010
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Sounds like a poor day out. I have noticed personally a trend to this effect at the end of the season. Hopefully more luck next time. My local pack has a lady field master occasionally. But I have always found her to be very welcoming, however I am not a visitor, and do try to get out as often as I can.


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11 September 2012
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Today's visitor may well be tomorrow's subscriber. Some hunts should really know better than to give newcomers the cold shoulder.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2009
Wherever I lay my hat.
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I've had this before. The only one on a plaited, clean horse and the only one who bothered to polish my boots, carved up by out of control teenagers and ignored by the hunt staff.

Needless to say I didn't go back!


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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I've had this before. The only one on a plaited, clean horse and the only one who bothered to polish my boots, carved up by out of control teenagers and ignored by the hunt staff.

Needless to say I didn't go back!

Me too! At least I wasn't ashamed to post rather fetching photos of us online. I guess they have to accommodate the lowest level of rider, but my word there were some incredibly poor riders there.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Unfortunatly with many hunts now desperate for followers they seem to have to accept everyone, no matter how badly presented, unfit or poorly ridden the combination is. I recall watching recently a lovely traditional cob, make a gallant effort to follow the bigger horses over a large hedge. Despite it being the end of the day, and he being unclipped and puffing like a steam train he managed, unfortunatly his ridder did not make such a gallant effort and fell off on landing. Now we have all been there but the worse thing is she got up, shouted that he had bucked her off, got back on and smacked him. Poor fella.
Now don't get me wrong I'm all for hunting being more accesable but the horse and rider should at least realise theer is a level of fitness required and it is not a happy hack about. I know a lot of fields now have a non-jumping section which I think is a great idea as it lets more people enjoy the sport.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Sounds like a nightmare - the disorganisation suggests a very badly managed hunt, with bumbling secretaries and a worse field. It's a shame, because it sounds like the hunting-with good runs, and the country with hedges, is very nice, and deserves better. On the subject of lady fieldmasters - we have two, and most of our neighbouring packs have at least one, so I don't think its a really identifying mark JM!