a question from a native!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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Those of you who have left the UK... why did you leave? And why did you choose the country you're in now (or originally moved to)? Just curious :)

La Fiaba

Well-Known Member
9 November 2010
I left for many reasons, but ultimately I just wanted a bit of adventure! I originally just wanted 'a year out' to travel, but have been here 5 years or so now :D I didn't really choose Italy, I received a job offer although I was looking to go to Spain. I'm glad I came to Italy though as met my OH here (mostly why I'm still here!) plus I really enjoy living here (even if it drives me mad sometimes).

Are you looking to join the expat crew? I highly recommend it :)

Big Ben

Well-Known Member
11 October 2012
On the frozen prairies
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We left for a lot of reasons, wanting something different, and also wanting to cash in on the profit we had made by buying and renovating a house, which we could only do by investing outside of the UK.

We were originally going to move to Spain, took several trips out there looking at property, even had offers in on a couple of places, but something always felt odd about that one, mainly being scared of the language barrier. The big change came when we realized that we had enough money to maybe buy a small farm in Spain, but would have no idea how to farm Mediterranean style crops, and once again that language barrier.

So we set out to see what our money would buy us elsewhere, and through a series of events ended up here in Saskatchewan, the land was cheap, the Provincial Government will nominate suitable people to fast track their immigration process it was our chance to 'have a go'

The land is cheap because the living is hard, it is a place of extremes, cold, hot, dry, wet, all seem to go mad, from -40*C in the winter to +40*C in the summer, devastating hail storms, killing frosts in August, tornadoes, we have had a lot to deal with. BUT, the air is clean, there are 1000's more stars in the sky than I have ever seen before. The people are friendly, the roads aren't crowded (but are full of potholes) We now farm 1500 acres, and will be going up to over 2000 this coming year,we are our own bosses and it is a great life, if you don't weaken:)

Big Ben

Well-Known Member
11 October 2012
On the frozen prairies
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I'm crapping myself at the thought of over 2000, that is over 4 sections of land, with a lot of slough and bush:eek:

For those who don't know Canada if you put all the land in one block, instead of spread out all over, it would be 4 square miles......


Well-Known Member
25 January 2002
Well for me I didnt want to emigrate, it was my ex, hes was selling his business and really wanted to live here, we had a holiday place here on the coast which we visited quite a bit..

The we came over for a long weekend (may 2004), and at the airport I picked up the Horse and Hound, and a house over here with land was advertised in it... so we rang the guy and had a look... I LOVED it, big farm house 120 acres of land... ex wasnt so keen.. But when we got home he decided to sell the business and move here... so I came back 2 weeks later to check schools out for my daughter.... came back in the Summer, took another look at the farm and decided to buy...

Moved here Sept 2004... live in our holiday home on the coast for a year, then moved in the farm 2005... split with ex in 2007, I stayed he went back to the UK..

Love it here, but moved house 2 years ago to a smaller one, daughter is now in the UK (living with her BF) and now this is my home...


Well-Known Member
1 June 2010
Rockanje, South Holland
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We left cos of my OH. His career was stagnating in the UK and he had a job opportunity over here. He left the UK 1st to sort out the job and somewhere for us to live and we followed 3 months later. He decided not to take up the original job offer and signed with an agency and had 3 more job offers in 2 weeks. His career took off and we haven't looked back since. Never imagined we'd still be here, but we all love it and have no plans to return to the UK. What also helps is the fact we live in an area which is known for almost having more horses than humans! Fantastic!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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For me and my OH it was work. We wanted to save enough to buy a house and only have a small mortgage, and the good salary + low tax rate here in Hong Kong made it feasible. We had planned on two years but that's fast approaching and I think we'll be another two! We do have an offer out on a house in Europe though so the plan is slowly coming to fruition...