A quick 'How Much' please. Coloured pony


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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Last year we needed a companion so we bought Mani, a 13,2 bright bay skebald pony.

5 year old
Gypsy cob x Newfie?
bright bay skewbald, very well marked, approx 30 - 40% white, black mane, mixed tail, good confo (bit long backed maybe?)
fantastic temperament easy to do, he is 'common' in the nicest possible way
Good box, shoe, handle, catch, load, big scary machinery and yappy dogs
Would make a great PC pony and sturdy enough to carry a smaller mum too
Jumps natural and coloured up to 2'6" atm, will go higher
Fantastic mover, would do pure dressage
Keen and forward, not strong, never spooky or sharp

He went to his first show on Sat where he was a star, placed in every class he did. In one class his rider was accused of pothunting a bit by the judge who said the pony is far too experienced for the class (ridden pony, 13 - 14.2 any age rider) The look on her face when she was told it was his first ever outing was great!
He did a couple of small jumping classes and gave all the scardey ponies a lead past the cows by the practice fence. He didn't mind the flappy ring tape, the screaming kids or the yappy terrier who chased him. A year ago he was nearly wild, I had to corner him in a stable whan I went to view him.

Anyway he was always just here as a project and I feel we have done our job and he is nearly ready to give a family alot of fun, BUT I have no idea how much to ask for him.

Bear in mind we are in Herts so upper price levels probably apply.


We have always treated him just like the others, he ties up etc


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Where I am, a jumping pony who's big enough to see a child through a few years is worth its weight in gold.

If he's a looker and you can get some results to bulk up his CV, possibly take him out hunting, you'll up your prices but should think you'd easily achieve 3-4k minimum even in current climate.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I would say £1500-£2000, but would get more if you could get him out and about doing PC etc...

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Whereabouts in the country are you? I'm quite surprised at the price difference between our posts because where I am a pony who's young (e.g. 25 years left to go) and has no previous affiliated record (e.g. can go straight out and win some money with new owners) and is as safe and trustworthy as he sounds, that mum can also ride, is worth a bucketload as they're very rare round here but maybe I've just seen very overpriced pones.


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26 July 2006
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IMO £2000 would be his upper limit, till he had proved himself a bit more. Then you could easily add another grand.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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I tend to agree with Sparkle and Anret. He sounds like the sort of pony we might have considered a year or so ago and they do tend to go for about £2000 in the Home Counties.

However - get a year of PC under his belt and his price will shoot up. Once they have PC experience - especially camp - this sort of lad will probably go for £3500 - £4500 depending on his record. If you can find a local PC child to loan him for a year so he picks up a reputation there the sky can really be your limit!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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He has a couple more shows lined up, then I'll advertise him (was thinking £2500) if he doesn't sell I can get him PC'd over the summer and he will remain for sale, however price tag will go up the more he does.

I really feel he could turn his hoof to anything, particularly PC, dressage, WHP etc.

He really is a superstar in the making,

There are some pics here http://www.jnaphotography.com/mp_includes/index.asp

Standon show, class 14 and also working hunter schooling, he is the bright bay skewbald. For some idea of his size the rider is 5'3"


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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He looks a lovely type - I think you should get £2500 for him if you advertise him well using decent photos, assuming he is a genuine jumper who rarely stops. But if you get him out and about and get more results under his belt then his value will definitely climb.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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He is very genuine, even when he is unsure. He needs keeping straight with minimal leg, he will then do his best to jump, if he is unsure he just tucks his knees up higher.

He is great with scary jumps too, will jump poles covered with flappy hi viz jackets. ATM we don't ask for big jumps, just make them very scary so he always learns forward.

He will also jump ditches out hacking.

I should also add Sat was the first time he has ever been ridden with more than 1 horse, first time cantered in company, first time over a course and the first time he has ever seen cows.

He had his fist bath on Fri, I just used a hosepipe, he wriggled a bit then stood still.

Also on Fri he met a JCB with a full bucket loader on a very narrow lane, it pulled over but didn't switch off. Mani had a quick look and walked straight past through a narrow gap.


Well-Known Member
16 October 2006
Herts, UK
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£2500 at the moment, £3500 when he's done more, I think he's looks like a really nice genuine pony


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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Are you kidding? Ponies like these are absolute gold dust! They are crying out for these sort of ponies. So rare it is to find a pony that is as safe as houses and will jump anything/everything, and help a child out at a fence. Would say £5-6k as he is now.

With good advertising, you'll be raking in the calls- have a heading on your advert like 'superstar pony'


Well-Known Member
12 January 2008
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They are like gold dust when they have done it and got the T shirt. I think the OP is right on with price as he is.

This pony is lovely, and I think possibly he will make a superstar, but one outing doesn't make him worth mega bucks. I don't know the pony in question, but have raised a step family on ponies from lead reins through to older PC teams, and have my own daughter on her first competition pony now.

If I was buying right now, I'd see him as an attractive pony, a real good un in the making, but he is being ridden at his first show by a child who looks older and more competant than some of the others (just from the pics). Yes he took it all in his stride, but I know lots of greenies do until they have been a couple of times, then they start to question. Couple that with a smaller rider who needs him to look after them, and he's simply not got enough under his belt yet to warrant a huge price tag.

A summer of PC, with the same attitude, then yes maybe 3/4k ish.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Would say £2.5k now. Little Cob was a star at his first outing, then wasn't interested again. Hopefullly the jumping will catch his attention more

If the higher price tag is sought, then a summer of PC as the others have said

Lovely ponio


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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5-6 K :S:S:S 13.2 's just don't go for as much as 14.2's especially in the current market.
I would say 2.5-3K as a maximum, he's not quite old enough for the super safe and steady market, but has the potential there.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2007
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He sounds worth his weight in gold! I would agree with O_B - parents would be a LOT for a pony that would look after their child. Esp if it was safe in the hunting field! He's also a good age IMO, so parents can sell him on a few years later once outgrown.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Are you kidding? Ponies like these are absolute gold dust!

[/ QUOTE ] They are when a bit more experienced and slightly older, but most PC families I know wouldn't pay megabucks for a 5 year old who has only been to one show, even though he is a lovely type! The ones who buy youngsters are usually horsey families who know they have the experience to buy a younger, inexperienced pony fairly cheaply, then PC it extensively for a year or two then sell on for a good profit. The families that shell out megabucks for a pony usually tend to want a slightly older pony (6/7 years plus) with more miles on the clock and a proven record.

That said, this pony does seem a cracking sort, so if the OP can borrow a PC child to get it out and about over the next few months, it will definitely have increased dramatically in value by the end of the summer. (Which is often a good time to sell to PC homes as the children have a chance to build up a bond with the pony over the winter before the next show season, and also gives plenty of time to get it rallied up).


Well-Known Member
12 January 2008
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He sounds worth his weight in gold! I would agree with O_B - parents would be a LOT for a pony that would look after their child. Esp if it was safe in the hunting field! He's also a good age IMO, so parents can sell him on a few years later once outgrown.

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Seriously, I've just been shopping in the very market you are talking about, and with the budget. This pony wouldn't have made the list at his age with a record of one show with an older kid. I bought one of a similar height 7yo, shows, dressage, hunts and jumps and very safe for 4k. He's been there, got the T shirt and is brilliant.

He lovely, but not worth that much yet.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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I've been keeping an eye on the market with a view to buying for next year as daughter is a leggy, over 5ft, 9 year old on an 11.2 loan pony which will be too small for her to jump next year (knocked a pole down at 2ft 3 over the weekend with her foot, pony was clear).
I'm in Thames Valley so similar sort of area price wise I would think, and this is the sort of pony we'd be interested in, but I've seen unproven youngish ponies in need of more experience of this height from 1-2K. Generally more experienced PC type ponies seem to be asking 3-4K+. I don't think I'd pay more if based on just 1 outing - was it a fluke? what experience were the other competitors? I say this as daughter muffed up her show first time out showing just from complete nerves combined with pony, also on first outing, who had never been ridden on shredded rubber before and was walking on it with complete distaste! I think you'd need to improve on the track record if you want to ask more. If taller (am worrying about daughters eventual leg length) then they do go for more. I've also seen quite a few more expensive ones with unproven records but these do tend to have a good solid sounding breeding record eg registered NF.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Are you kidding? Ponies like these are absolute gold dust! They are crying out for these sort of ponies. So rare it is to find a pony that is as safe as houses and will jump anything/everything, and help a child out at a fence. Would say £5-6k as he is now.

With good advertising, you'll be raking in the calls- have a heading on your advert like 'superstar pony'

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This is certainly the case where I am, I felt 3-4k was a very reasonable price estimate that would easily be achieved.

Also, having seen pics of the pone he is STUNNING and could possibly show so I would definately advertise for 3.5k at the least as you can always drop the price.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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I would say his show behaviour will not be a one off, we have had him a year now and that is how he treats life. A bit Oh what's that, right I've had a look and now I'll deal with it.

I think he probably is good enough to show, I guess if I advertise him on 'coloured contacts' I'll find out.

I'm so pleased you all like him though, he is a real sweetheart, not a nasty or bolshy bone in his body.

Ideally I'd like him to go to a knowledgable PC home as that's where I think he will have the most fun. I could probably get more for him through showing or dressage but I just think he would be wasted as he is such a good allrounder.

When he is ridden (usually twice a week due to time constraints) we always make sure we do daft things with him to bombproof him. He has had scarfs wrapped round his head, been leapfrogged onto, slid off over his tail, round the world etc etc. I go flying past him on the quad or tractor and drive in the school when he is in there.

On Sat the practice fences were in a sort of alleyway sectioned off with flappy tape, next to about 30 cows calves and a bull who were mooing and humping. He gave a couple of older ponies a lead.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I think as he has only been to one show 2.5k is about right.

However take him tp to a few more do some coloured classes with him - if you are going to being putting him on a website for coloured enthusiasts if he has won a coloured class this will up his price.

He sound like a lovely pony at the moment but he is only ridden twice a week and is 5. I bought my NF pony nearly two years ago when he was just turned 5 and he has changed a lot from being very steady and quiet to being very lively and confident as he has grown up and is fit. I paid £3k for him nearly two years ago when he was just turned 5 and he is 14h registered very sensible and although green was jumping 2.9ft with ease.

Young ponies can go through kevin stages hence the prices are quite low until they get to about 7 and have had some more experience.

If he was 7 and won some coloured classes and some local sj then he could be worth about £5k.

I am in herts and know of people looking to buy similar pony at around 14h so slightly bigger and they want to spend about 2.5k and have plenty of choice.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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He looks a lovely type - I think you should get £2500 for him if you advertise him well using decent photos, assuming he is a genuine jumper who rarely stops. But if you get him out and about and get more results under his belt then his value will definitely climb.

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I'd ditto that
Good luck finding him a good home


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Stick him on coloured contacts and get him out as much as possible - are you near Nazing - Harolds Park have qualified for ASS, Chiltern and others on the 7th June with showing - he would probably be best shown as a traditional native rathen than a plaited - but I would need to see pics to say for sure.

They also have dressage that day.

If you can get a few results under the belt, then stick him up for £3,500 to £4,000, without them, £2,500 - £3,000.

He sounds like fantastic pony for the future.