A real problem please help


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Ok this is going to be long! It should be in the stable yard section but i thought more people would see it in here.
Ok basically i need help about stabling rock.
Firstly, he has COPD, not usually a problem if hes out a lot espesh at night but new yard is an american style barn with no night time turn out.
Hes on straw atm BECAUSE if hes not on straw he box walks, panics and gets generally very very depressed and withdrawn, doesnt play with his stable toys, doesnt eat alot and so straw is essential. However obviously, the straw makes his COPD worse. Particularly as hes on box rest atm.
Another problem aspect is that he has white line disease and thrush and is prone to foot infections (thats whats up with him atm and why hes so lame) so his stable needs to be really dry. He is dryest on straw but still its disgusting in the morning as he really is messy, he needs new straw every day because he trashes it all. He is on rubber mats atm, which he is on because of the box walking.
so here it is
do i keep him on straw or change it and cause his huge depression?
do i keep the rubber mats?
Generally are there any tips from people on what i can do in this very tricky situation? If hes not on straw he is so depressed its taken us a year to get him happy. Please help.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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i would keep the rubber mats, layer some shavings over the top (to soak up the wet, and to lessen the amount of straw therefore dust in the bed) put straw on top of this so that it is familiar to him. it may sound complicated, but my friends horse is on this, and it really isnt too difficult to muck out.
Sarah xXx


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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I personally would keep the straw, it will be stressful moving yards for him so he may become a lot worse then normal if you do take away what is familiar to him. Maybe consider putting plastic bags (inc nappy) or something similar (unless you can use treatment boots) to try and keep his feet as dry as possible? Could he possibly turned out into an arena for the night (obviously with hay and water supplies) or will they not allow this? Hope it all goes well.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
I dont think they will allow this but i will enquire! Vet says i cant put a treatment boot or anything like that on it because she says the hoof needs to breath as the particular bacteria dies in oxygen and thrives in close environments (eg in a treatment boot) i think i will keep the straw but this still begs the question what do i do to improve his breathing, hes already on feel good 45 breathing supplement, are there any better ones you can suggest?


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Straw is the worst thing for COPD and is not ideal for rubber matting as you need something absorbent on top of matting and straw isn't. Therefore you get left with a soggy mess. Have you tried changing him on to a mix of shavings and dust extracted straw? I use Bed-down's Excel. This is a pre-baled mix of the two - but you could buy shavings & bales of dust extracted straw and mix them yourself. It is an absorbent bedding, so ideal for rubber matting. If you give him a good deep bed of this and then put a little ordinary straw on the top and gradually decrease the amount of ordinary straw you use while he gets used to the new bedding, you should end up with a much less dusty bed and not have the soggy mess to contend with. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
First thing I would do is get a stable mirror. For £60 it is not a big outlay, and I have never known them fail to stop box walking.
Whether he stops or not, then look at the bedding situation. There are plenty of other alternatives apart from straw, have you tried paper? That really is the best bedding for horses with breathing issues. I have found that good straw can actually be less dusty than some shavings so that wouldnt particularly worry me, it is just finding the good stuff that is a problem.
With regards to the feet, straw isnt really going to help a lot. If you could change him onto another bedding it would be a lot more beneficial. If money isnt an issue then try mixing equisorb with the straw, but that would be crippling for the majoprity of us.
Give the stable mirror a try - you wont be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
theres no where i can attach a stable mirror as the stables doesnt allow fixtures
and its not just the box walking, on other bedding other than straw hes sooooo depressed he just stands there hanging his head, doesnt eat his hay or anything


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Poor pony... if I was you I would look at some beddings like Nedz Bedz which is essentially chopped straw but less dusty than regular straw and much more absorbent. It can also be used with rubber matting (the Pro one)...

I would then put a layer of regular straw (only thin) on top of it to make him relaxed and gradually, and I mean very gradually, keep reducing the amount you put down. But this way you can keep it clean and dry which will not only help his thrush, but also his COPD


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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The dust extracted straw is chopped straw which is then put through a dust extractor. Dixons Dustless make it. It makes a much fluffier bed than shavings. If you try the mix of shavings & the dust-extracted straw, with ordinary straw on the top to start with, I think you will find that his feet are much drier and he is still happy on his straw. Poor boy - does he box walk because he is lonely when the others go out, or does he box walk anyway. Shame you couldn't try the stable mirror as they really are brilliant with anxious horses. As he is on box rest, I am assuming his feed has been altered accordingly? You could try feeding him a calmer which might help. I do feel for you and him - good luck.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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If he's really that stressed & not coping with the box rest could you talk to your vet about a mild sedative or tranquilizer that could be used for the period of the box rest? I know it's not ideal but a friend of mine did it for her horse that had to be on 6 months box rest & really couldn't handle it after a couple of weeks. I don't know what she used but in this case it was best for her (she was hurting herself) & anyone who had to handle her.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Its only short term box rest, once his shoe is put back on he can go back out in the field and live out for a month, but i move to new yard at end of the month and they only allow daytime turnout as thats whats stated in their contract renting the yard.
Am going to try whats been suggested, using the dust extracted straw underneath a layer of normal straw, and then once hes settled down at new yard with this we will gradually wean him off the straw.