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My 23 year old Shetland was diagnosed as having Neutropenia (for a while is wasthought to be Pemphigus ) recently, which in short, means he has abnormally low white blood cell count and is suseptable to infections etc. He also has a fast rate of regrowth, his hooves grow quickly but are cracked and lumpy, as are his heels. He has lost his chestnuts and ergots (they are generally just scabs) and he has flaky skin in the back of his legs (made worse by wet) and he has fine skin on his nosewhich cuts or scrapes easily. it took the vet alongtime to diagnose, (several biopsies ets) his case is being looked at by the vet hospital in Liverpool and the blacksmith is doing the best he can. He is not in any pain (unless a crack spreads down the hoof or something opens up wound wise) but then he is given pain killers for feet trimming etc. The vet is reluctant to put him on steriods because he has had laminitis in the past and theres a worry that they will trigger a bout of laminitis. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced such a thing and what they did because Im told its quite a rare disorder? Im fully aware that the progniosis isnt great but hes a tough cookie so hes getting every chance!