A story to Tell.............


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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I feel I need to tell this,in light of Beggersgold probs.......Last year I made the heart wrenching decision, to have my TB mare put down after 4 years of putting her back together.I owned her for 12 years she was 17 when I 'd spent 6 months agonising over it,she had cost Petplan thousands I have to say they were amazing paying out she ended up with ringbone,DJD and managed to cause damage to both her eyes to say the list was endless....I think her freeze mark should have been D666...I spent more time putting her back together...so it was decided that she would spend the last week of her life at the vets turned out and to enjoy...it was a lovely week for her after endless months of box rest.....I got nick named the "Leg women" in the end because I can spot lameness any where-now on the day that the box came to collect me the "mother and daughter team" mother was there and fully aware that this was the last time that I was taking the mare from this yard she came up to me and I quote "Please could you check the boys back leg for heat!!!" My friend wanted to swing for her and I said in a calm voice please leave it not worth it !!!As I left the yard she then came up to me while I'm sobbing my eyes out and said "Sorry I should not have asked as it's your Day!!" How on earth is it my day- a day of regret and saddness ,I'm not getting married!!! again. I have nothing but sorrow at what has to be done these two mirror what Beggersgold has gone through except they were evil and I could go on for ever....they have since left the yard with not a soul speaking to them!!!!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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Thank you Theresa she was my world and I was still bandaging her legs right up to the last minute-and those bitches made my life hell after wards as well-but not going there-if I told then......but I choose to stay quiet......