Horse hopping lame from an abscess which after lots of hot tubbing with Epsom salts and poulticing has burst out the coronary band.
How long after this would you expect the horse to be sound? He is no longer hopping lame and is not visibly lame in walk anymore, but is very lame in trot still. It burst out 5 days ago, and only today there was no puss on the poultice. But he's still quite lame.
Is it worth continuing to hot tub and poultice incase there is any more in there? Or would you expect some soreness for a while after? The area above the breakout point is still a little swollen too.
Just wondering if it's worth getting farrier/vet out again to check it's all gone or if it's to be expected. Any abscesses that I've dealt with before, the horse has been sound soon after its burst.
How long after this would you expect the horse to be sound? He is no longer hopping lame and is not visibly lame in walk anymore, but is very lame in trot still. It burst out 5 days ago, and only today there was no puss on the poultice. But he's still quite lame.
Is it worth continuing to hot tub and poultice incase there is any more in there? Or would you expect some soreness for a while after? The area above the breakout point is still a little swollen too.
Just wondering if it's worth getting farrier/vet out again to check it's all gone or if it's to be expected. Any abscesses that I've dealt with before, the horse has been sound soon after its burst.