they are mosters making them animals do that! all for some laughter and entertainment!
i watched a few others and almost made me cry more nagry though and really i just feel disgusted and ashamed of them monsters!
I agree that the video was truely appalling and the people taking part in it are the lowest form of life; however I take all PETA evidence with a pinch of salt and think that it probably isn't a true representation of a normal rodeo.
I could not see the video (damn computer), but not sure you can rely on Peta as a reliable source. You look at their animal testing drivel, and if you know what actually goes on in a lab you would be amazed at the difference between what they are advertising and what actually goes on.
i think in my oppinion/assumption that PETA MAY be showing the worst situations and we all know that aMERICA and other coutries treat their meat before death worse off than the uk although i know we still are not great regarding that matter!
Oh my god. I don't care who filmed it, it was still real enough. IMO rodeo sports that involve doing that to calves, bulls and horses is just wrong and sick!
I really fail to see why the rodeo exists?
Rodeo's are to demonstrate horsemanship - very very exciting and entertaining. I know people involved, and have seen many and can attest that most people there are animal lovers.
Did you see the pile of black cattle piled up liek crap, they are animals and deseve respect, i dont care if they are animal lovers, the animals are not treated with respect!
i know and understand your point but i dont agree, so many people are animal lovers but just stand by and watch, its respect though, some people would move a dead animal and some dont.
I know these things dont happen maybe as much as we may think BUT they still do, people could argue that competing horses that as long as they are brought up well in good conditions, provided vet care and correct nutritin ETC ETC then its ok, the animal does not come to harm but int he worst scenario it can break a leg or blow a tendon etc but it isnt deliverate unlike those people putting those animals out in the pen and FORCING them to do things that will distress them, injure themselves
Take the part with the bull being chased by dogs, does that remind you of a certain other sport? I am no anti of FH, and that video sickened me, but it does bear a resembance to the sport, which so many of us support.......
As I said, i am no anti of FH but just a point to ponder.....
i agree Kate26, i am against hunting but we wont go there! i just wanted to voice my oppinion tonight really on a subject i have a lot to say about! Plus i liek hearing others points etc
Disgusting, turned it off and couldn't watch the end. Sadly though I suspect that this is a very emotive collection of when things have gone wrong and I doubt that that demonstrates a typical rodeo.
You were making a point about them dragging the dead bulls - however if you have ever had a large dead animal on your hands, you would know how difficult they are too move.
I think that video was sick, but alot of pros on here will also slam the americans for this behaviour. And wanted to ask all the posters: Is that hypocritical? Just throwing the cat amongst the pigeons......
Absolutely appalling to see that Bull being treated that way, and that poor horse flipping over at the end. However I cannot stand Peta (remember these people are trying to ban you from riding your horse) and their videos are often extremely biased. I personally would not judge rodeo's from that video evidence.
I think my point is not so much the dragging, moving 500kg of animal is hard but my point maybe not clear enough but is more to do with those cattle shoudl not be dead in the first place, certainly for ther sake of entertainment ! We are in the year 2007 and think how much we have developed and yet animals are a main method of entertainment!
And by that i mean the ill treatment of them to make people laugh, how many horses are made to fight over a mare in season, or dogs, birds, how many bears changed up and made to dance or monkeys to make the crowd laugh!
foxhunting used to/ some agree still does have a point, to prevent the foxes killing livestocl, birds etc, but what si natural about making a bear stand on a table and dnace or calves running scared and roped to break their neck!
Take the part with the bull being chased by dogs, does that remind you of a certain other sport? I am no anti of FH, and that video sickened me, but it does bear a resembance to the sport, which so many of us support.......
As I said, i am no anti of FH but just a point to ponder.....
[/ QUOTE ]
How on earth can it bear the slightest resemblence? A pack of hounds (30-34 'dogs') on an animal that is smaller than most dogs and little larger than a cat, thats neck breaks with the slightest flick or rag?
I don't see two or three dogs humanely dispatching said bull!
Oh i agree. Yes, they shouldnt be killed in the first place. Not like that.
I am in no way condoning what is going on, just pointing out that many who posy on here tonight will be off hunting, and pay for the 'entertainment'.
I am pro hunting, and find myself thinking I am a hypocrite to call the part where the dogs were chasing the bull cruel when I think that to have hounds chasing a fox is fine.
That gets my blood boiling, although you say you are pro, I expect you have little knowledge of hounds or terriers or the way that they dispatch their quarry.
what you 'expect' and what is reality are different things.
Look upon it from an anti's point of view. They say the 'poor' fox is chased and torured (it isnt, but they think that) so how hypocritical would they see it?
I am not about to get into a hunting debate with you, my point was simple, to make people think.