Actions from horse reading....


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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Slightly self indulgant post but after everything the reader had said about Ari, I decided to spend some quality time in the school with Ari just doing some ground work and join up...she was sooooo sweet.

Even my OH couldnt believe his eyes, she was following me around the school, no lead like Monty Roberts, then we started playing chase games and she would trot after me
somtimes getting excited and she would rear up in front of me (not dangerously i might add but in a playfull way)....eventually I think she must have wanted to let of some steam as she want galloping round the school making as much noise as poss lol...looked like she was having fun, bless
So have brought the TTeam excercise book, so will keep u posted

P.S Have also received some more emails from Catherine about Ari, one bit I particulary liked - I said i don't get much time to spend with ari cause im with my SJ mare more so Aris response:

She says, "It's the fat horse." She shows me a slightly darker bay, that is heavier built, not any taller and not warmblood, but not as 'slender' as Ari sees herself to be.

Haha..made me laugh cause thats about right


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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God this lady is very spookily accurate isn't she!! Gonna see about getting a reading done myself when i get paid. Does she wait to receive payment first?? How long was it before you got your reading??

I'm so glad you were able to spend a bit more time with Ari, by the sounds of it she thoroughly enjoyed it bless her. Your posts have struck a cord with me really as i am now wondering how Ellie feels. When Trike was ill i used to spend a lot of time with her, now i have Senza i have been concentrating more on her and leaving Ellie out. Now whenever i go out into the field she always comes up to say hello and she always comes trotting over if i call her. She has started neighing a lot more at me too, she was never that affectionate before. Makes me wonder if Ellie feels the same as Ari and that makes me sad