I do . . . I soak GD's Speedibeet in hot water b/c it absorbs faster. I don't add the rest of his feed (Alfa A Molasses Free and Blue Chip) until it has cooled down a bit though.
I used hot water to mix/wet the feeds this morning, normally they just get cold water (but that was frozen this morning). It was so cold that I felt a bit sorry for them...
Well at the moment Im needing boiling water to get rid of the ice in his VV thats left over night to soak ( yes I know hot makes it swell quicker but I dont leave stuff to chance ) Its brick hard when i go to feed it so it needs thawed out.
Hes getting spillers conditioning chaff, Veteran Vitality hoof and joint supps twice a day. Scoop of the chaff and scoop of the VV soaked.
Ours have hot water poured over their feed in this weather, as the sugar beet is frequently frozen into the bucket.
Their feed consists of cool mix, sugar beet, and Aldwyck Pure Grass + their biotin and, in my mare's case< Pro-Laminitic. They love their food warm and breathe in the aroma. I also slow cook my own linseed, which makes a gorgeous gooey warm spread.
Mine are having hot brekkies and warm teas at the moment.
They're just on some chaff, some high-fibre course mix and conditioning cubes. Obviously adjusted to size and what they need feed for.