Advice about moving stables


30 December 2014
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Hi, I'm not a new rider but this seems the best place to post. I don't have a horse but I am moving stables. My current yard is where I started riding four years ago. I'm moving due to being messed around with regards to working, the fact that the schools are closed in the bad weather (they only have outdoor), my friend will be moving yards soon and the lack of experience the horses have with dressage, which is what I like, although I am teaching them this, I need a more experienced horse to teach me so I am teaching the other horses right. I still want to be able to go back to my current stables so I can see the horses, maybe for a hack or a gymkhana etc. At the same time, I don't want to lie to them. I've found the place I want to move to and have booked lessons starting next week (10th) so I only have this week. I'll be telling them face to face or ringing them. Any ideas of what to say?


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I am guessing that you mean you currently ride at a riding school. If so, I don't think that you really need to say anything, except perhaps if you are asked if you want to book for next week, in which case, you could maybe say something along the lines of, 'no thanks, I am thinking of broadening my experience but I enjoy riding your horses, so I will ring you soon'. You are quite right that schoolmaster lessons are good if you want to progress but if I were you, I wouldn't suggest that you will be teaching the RS horses anything at this stage.