Advice and experiences for magnetic rugs for arthritic horses?


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15 January 2011
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I have just bought a magnetic rug set (to be attached to a light weight rug) for my TB who has spinal arthritis.

Not having had any experiences with magnetic therapy can someone please tell me how long the rug should be left on for (ie how ofeten/hours per day) how effective are they and just experiences/story's etc.

Also as the mares arthritis is in one particular spot, under the saddle, i was going to stitch mine to a saddle cloth and attach with a surcingle under her rug, obviously am not going to ride her with them attached, just an idea to keep the magnets in the right place.

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Well-Known Member
11 October 2008
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No experience of rugs, but my mare has spavins, and has been really bad this winter, I got her magnetic bands to wear behind, and she now comes out the box looking as good as she does when she comes in from the field!! It has made such a massive difference.

She wears her bands 24/7 bar when im riding her, we spoke to the company and they said this would be fine, however im pretty sure most places say not to leave rugs on for more than a couple of hours at a time really, although I know people who leave them on overnight.

They usually say to build it up over a week or so from just 10 mins or so so the body gets used to it :)

Sorry not sure if thats much help :eek:


Well-Known Member
16 May 2011
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No experience of rugs, but my mare has spavins, and has been really bad this winter, I got her magnetic bands to wear behind, and she now comes out the box looking as good as she does when she comes in from the field!! It has made such a massive difference.

Could you possibly inbox me with details of website/telephone number of this company please! Sounds like it might be helpful for my old chap.


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8 September 2009
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I have exactly the same for my horse sewn into a summer sheet, I started with 10-20 mins now she wears it when she comes in around lunchtime to when I ride in the evenings around 7ish, I think its made a lot of difference to my mare, and the looseness in her back


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Ive got a premiere equine magnet rug, got it in the sale last year it has magnets all over and can be wiped off after each horse.
Its bloomin brillient, i use it on my arthritic old mare for a couple of hours when she is in, she keeps her magnet stable wraps on all night, but i built up the time as thats what i was advised to do.
I use it on my horse before competing as well
All my horses from the 7yo to the 28 yo wear it for a time and im certain its helped, i love my magnet stuff, the horses with spavins have the hock boots, and my young girl has stable wraps as well.... Love them
My equine bodyworker gave the old girl a massage for her christmas and said she felt loose and in good nick considering her arthritis, stroke and scoliosis, im sureits the magnets and massage pad that keep her in ok nick
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Well-Known Member
27 April 2008
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I've just started this winter using magnetic wraps on my horse at night to reduce the swelling in his hind legs and they have just been brilliant. Can't speak highly enough of magnetic therapy for horses!


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Love my magnetic rug!

My cushings boy wears his nightly under his PJs and I have positioned the magnets above his kidneys, liver and heart and lungs.

He also has arthritis in every joint.

Since using the rug he is amazing-gallops about like a foal on speed! There is really no stopping him!

Good luck

Tinsel Trouble

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16 October 2009
Grantham (please don't judge me! originally from S
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I got the equilibrium magnetic pad for my pont who has arthritic changes in his back and pelvis. It is brilliant and I love it- you can only use it in the stable for 12 hours a day max- the only downside is it's another layer of rug so if the weather is as warm as it has been the past few nights he gets a bit hot and sweaty!