ashley Cole
Hi there
I'm hoping to get some advice on my boerperd. When we got him he was fairly fit but calm. In the last two months i've noticed a change in his behaviour, where he is becoming very froward going and fighting the bit. He was on a bulking food which i've taken him off (About 2 months ago) but he still has settled. I've been advised to completely take away his feed for two weeks ? Not sure if this is the best thing to do. We have good grazing and access to hay during the night when stalled. He is exercised 5 times a week (Lunged 3 times and the other days can be a combination of a hack and light work or just schooling). Is it possible that he is being over exercised ? I really don't think it's his feed, he gets such a small amount (Under 2 kg's a day). Any advice ?
I'm hoping to get some advice on my boerperd. When we got him he was fairly fit but calm. In the last two months i've noticed a change in his behaviour, where he is becoming very froward going and fighting the bit. He was on a bulking food which i've taken him off (About 2 months ago) but he still has settled. I've been advised to completely take away his feed for two weeks ? Not sure if this is the best thing to do. We have good grazing and access to hay during the night when stalled. He is exercised 5 times a week (Lunged 3 times and the other days can be a combination of a hack and light work or just schooling). Is it possible that he is being over exercised ? I really don't think it's his feed, he gets such a small amount (Under 2 kg's a day). Any advice ?