Advice, help, any ideas - longish


Well-Known Member
22 November 2007
East sussex/Kent Border
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Ok I have a 16'1 5yr old ISH, only just 5.
Last week I rode him and just got on as norm and he rodeo down the long side of sandschool till Iwas off then he stood still. I lunged him and he was not sound and had his ears back against his head, not like him at all
I had the phisco out and she said he was tight through his shoulder and neck and worked very deep. So he had 4 days off, I carried on doing streching exercises and he seems a lot better.
Tacked up today and he rodeo again but we had only made it out the stable I was not even on, it was not as bad as last time but not sure if thats cause I was not on so only had saddle on to try and get off - if that makes sense!!
Then lunged him and was fine on left rein but ears back on right rein did not look lame at all
Any ideas, anything anyone has expercied before and worked through


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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Agree vet is needed. He might not look lame but then neither did Jesper until nerve blocked. He was bilaterally lame and so it wasn't obvious until one leg was blocked.


Well-Known Member
15 May 2008
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Def need a vet imo. Obviously something not right...hopefully nothing to serious/long term but i think a expert is needed!! Good luck


Well-Known Member
22 May 2009
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If this continues or gets worse get x rays! My beautiful thorobred was only 5 and he seemed perfectly healthy when we bought him. However he kept not exactly going lame but we could tell he wasnt sound. We had the physio and the vet and they coudlnt find anything - some days he was better than others. Then he started to rear and play around when we rode him which was so unlike him! After months of not finding anything wrong with him we sent him for x rays and they discovered he had wobblers syndrome - a degenerative disease causing pressure on his spine and had to be put down right there. Not trying to frighten you, just please find out now before it gets worse