Advice/help with planning permission


Well-Known Member
12 September 2005
Hello to all (sorry i haven't been on for a while those who know me - new job etc etc)

Right i am begging for peoples words of wisdom, advice, experiences and clever brains really to help me with planning permission/application.

Big change in my life has meant i will soon have house and land with availablilty to build my own stables and arena (which i have never had and dreamt of all my life!!)

I have been told that getting planning won't be a problem, i have been on our council website and printed off the general planning form and the guide for full planning permission which i was told was right ones when i rang up council.

I just want any advice so that i get it right first time when i send it off so hopefully i can get the whole thing moving as quickly and smoothly as possible.

How long do you think it may take?? What do i def need to do/include/write etc etc.

Thank you - any wise words gratefully recieved.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
Not sure if this helps but. try to get some information on the siting of the school and stables, ie, how far from the neighbours borders do they have to be, what type of surface are you planning, are you doing it yourself or getting someone in, what type of drainage will they be using ect ect. how big the stables are ect. The more information that you can give that conforms to planning regulations the better.
Yoiu probably new this anyway, but people I know have usually got people out to help them, like surveyors or something like that.
Best of luck with it all, sounds fab.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Hi...lucky you! Well the best way is to get one of your planning officers round (they are there to help) and advise him/her and talk through with them your plans...even if they are just rough plans at the mo. They will then tell you if you everything in the best place or if their could be any issues etc and you can work your application around that.
I would also suggest you get your plans drawn up professionally by companies that specialise in it or the compny you are planning to buy your stable from will do it too.
The whole planning thing will take anywhere from 2 months to around 3 months depending on your particular council.
My other piece of advise is to tell your neighbours of your plans, invite them round if necessary and show them where you plan to put things so you can reasure them it won't effect them etc. This will bode well before you put your application in and porevent any misunderstandings that may lead to them objecting. Good luck, sounds fun!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Has someone had a win on the lottery?
Sounds fab, my dream!
Not sure how much this will help, but our YO had to include in there plans, more nature... they had to basically outline all the bush's and shrubs they planned to use, all the way along the track is bush's. For some reason this helps.
Also make sure get planning for flood lights as ours got taken down


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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Where do I start.

If the land is green belt you may not get anything. If it is agricultural then you'll probably have to get change of use

Apply for what you need in one hit incase the planners impose a 'no further development' clause

If you need a storage barn then make sure that is on the plans and not an afterthought.

if you want an arena apply for a 20x60 even if you initially only build a 20x40. the PP is valid forever provided you have STARTED the development.

You will almost certainly get a 'private use only - no business - no livery - no riding school' clause imposed.

You will also not get the arena if you ask for floodlights with it - they generally don't mind arenas but the HATE floodlights.
so locate the arena behind the stables length or near a main field gate entrance or near the driveway access and then put up a couple of 'security lights' - usual fiddle - you won't be able to jump in the arena at night with those but you'll at least have light to ride by.

if it's a new complex I'd get a professional planning consultant who specialises in horse related appns to do the appn for you. There are many pitfalls.

I've probably been there done that in regard to planning on my place so if you want some layperson 'expert' advice from someone who's spent 10 years battling the council from hell and won 5:0 (using pro advice every time but with a lot of my own input) then PM me and I'll try to help


Well-Known Member
12 September 2005
thanks every one thats helped, i am so excited its all becoming reality and i can't quite believe it!
it is currently agricultural land so i will need change of use, we have already bought some 2nd hand stables so can't really get any plans, although i do have a spec sheet plan of set stables identical to mine so should be bale to use that!
def won't put flood lights down and go down security route thanks airedale you sound very experienced think i shall pm you and pick your brain!
don't really have veru close neighbours but will def think about having chat to them before hand

ooo thanks everyone v v excited just want it all sorted and completed!!


Well-Known Member
16 June 2005
S Lincs
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Ours wanted scale drawings which we did, they then sent it back asking for measurements to be added
(thought that was the idea of scale drawing)

Include materials, colours of buildings, how you're disposing of muck. Where you're drain off water is going. Whether private/business use (if musinees idea of volumes of traffic/access points requiring building.
Ours wanted lots of landscaping round arena so couldn't be seen from the road.

Make sure everything is at least 6m from roadsides or ditches.

Often good to ask for a bit more so if they have any qualms you can 'meet in the middle!'


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Hey lucky you! If the land is agricultural you will need to apply for change of use to horsiculture. Best thing is to get the planning officer round (we did this when planning a lodge for elderly mother and he was extremely helpful). Even though we already have a brick built stable yard and other farm buildings, our local authority would not let us put up a mobile field shelter without PP! My friend who lives in Suffolk Coastal area, is not allowed a muck heap, although she got PP for stables! Best to check and double check before submitting anything. Nothing better than having the neddies at home - enjoy!