Advice needed about loan horse!


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12 January 2014
east midlands :)
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I have been riding/loaning an 8 year ex-hurdler for about a year now and only really 'got the hang of him' late last summer'. I had always had trouble getting him to maintain an outline in trot and canter but in November something clicked and we won our first dressage competition. However, his jumping seems to have progressively got worse. He has always had 1 or 2 poles down as he jumps everything like a hurdle, flat, but just recently after 2 or 3 jumps he has started to become silly on the approach, cantering sideways, leaping forward, and seems to be really 'stressed' out. I make sure that I don't hold him too tight as he has a sensitive mouth and do lots of variation so that I don't jump everytime I go near the jump but I was wondering whether anyone else has experienced this and or whether anyone could over me any advice?
Thanks :)


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3 October 2012
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I would be getting his tack and back looked at. this could well be a pain response to a sore back and/or badly fitted saddle. If that checks out maybe tack a step back and do some poll work with an instructor or a local clinic but my first point would be checking his back and saddle fit.


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28 March 2011
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As above and would add get some good help in real life to watch him jump a trainer from the BE list would be a good choice for TB.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2010
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As above and would add get some good help in real life to watch him jump a trainer from the BE list would be a good choice for TB.

I had similar issues with an ex hurdler and it turned out to be due to kissing spine. This was missed by a "back man" and only diagnosed by Xray. I hope it isn't the cause and my horse was a lot older than yours. However you need to rule out physical problems first. Good luck.